Ukraine’s Mykhaylo Iveruk took home the championship and USD15,000 cash award in the 2009 Macau Galaxy Entertainment International Marathon.
Organised by the Macau Sport Development Board and the Macau Athletic Association, with Galaxy Entertainment Group being the title sponsor, this annual marathon event came to its 28th edition this year. It attracts more than 3,700 athletes from 50 countries and regions competed in the Marathon (42.195 km), Half Marathon (21.0975 km) and Mini Marathon (6.5 km) races.
Mykhaylo Iveruk was the second runner-up in the same event last year, completed the entire course of 42.195 km in just 2:17:45. He was followed by Kenya’s Micah Kipserem Chuma (2:17:51) and Jusius Kibet Mebur (2:17:58) in the men’s category, and awarded USD$15,000 cash prize.
In the Women’s Marathon, Roman Gebre Gessese from Ethiopia, who made her debut in yesterday’s event, came first in 2:37:08. She was also awarded USD$15,000 cash prize. Last year’s women’s champion Yuan Lili from China came second in 2:41:44 and Poland’s Agnieszka Janasiak finished third in 2:42:09.
Among the Macau athletes, Kuok Chi Wai (men’s category) and Hoi Long (women’s category) got the best results respectively in 2:42:51 and 3:13:58.
由體育發展局及澳門田徑總會主辦,銀河娛樂集團冠名贊助的澳門國際馬拉松賽圓滿結束。 來自50國家和地區超過3700名選手參與馬拉松、半程馬 拉松和迷你馬拉松三項賽事, 參賽人數是歷屆之冠。 踏入第28年的門國際馬拉松已成為年度壓軸體育活動之一, 每年都受到世界各地的長跑好手的關注及參與。
在全程42.195公里的馬拉松比賽, 男子組結果由特邀運動員去屆季軍烏克蘭的艾偉樂, 以2小時17分45秒獲勝。 並贏得美元一萬五千元的獎金。 艾偉樂被視為有力爭標熱門之一, 最後以2小時17分45秒壓倒二、三、四位肯亞的朱馬、麥貝和杰祖基3名運動員, 一嘗冠軍滋味。
女子組被首次來澳參賽來自埃塞俄比亞的謝詩詩奪冠, 時間是2小時37分08秒。 去屆冠軍的袁麗麗衛冕失敗, 最後以2小時41分44秒名列第二。 謝詩詩同樣贏得美元一萬五千元的獎金。 季軍為波蘭的珍娜詩, 時間為2小時42分09秒。
澳門運動員組別, 郭志瑋與許朗分別贏得男女子組的桂冠。
Monday, December 7, 2009
Ukraine’s Iveruk crowned 2009 Macau Marathon Champion 澳門國際馬拉松烏克蘭選手奪冠 (澳门国际马拉松乌克兰选手夺冠)
Posted by seemacau at 12:31 PM 0 comments
Macau got home first two EAG gold medals from Indoor Pair Artistic Cycling 香港東亞運澳門花式單車奪兩金 (香港东亚运澳门花式单车夺两金)
Pic Source : East Asia Games Hong Kong 2009
Kuan Sok In and Kuan Sok Mui
Wong Hang Cheong
Macau got home the first two gold medals in the East Asian Games in Hong Kong. Kuan Sok In and Kuan Sok Mui beat Hong Kong in the Indoor Pair Artistic Cycling Women Final, bringing home the first gold medal of the international multi-sport event. Kuan Sok In and Kuan Sok Mui scored a final result of 62.61, successfully defeating two teams from Hong Kong (respectively scored 57.63 and 46.82).
Another Macau's athelete Wong Hang Cheong was crowned the championship in the Men’s Indoor Single Artistic Cycling later on the same day. Wong Hang Cheong scored the highest of 157.74, with the first and second runner-ups both went to Hong Kong who scored respectively 155.65 and 127.49.
在香港舉行的東亞運動會, 澳門在室內花式單車項目連奪兩面金牌, 亞錦賽亞軍的“姐妹檔”關淑賢和關淑梅先在女子雙人花式獲勝。 為澳門為澳門作金牌零的突破, 勇奪“第一金”。 關淑賢和關淑梅發揮超水準擊敗東道主香港。 姐妹檔憑藉獨有的默契, 全程比賽中表現穩定流暢, 獲觀衆熱烈掌聲。
而亞洲紀錄保持者王衡鏘其後亦奪得男子單人項目金牌。 男子單人比賽有六人角逐, 澳門、香港及日本分別有兩名運動員出戰。 王衡鏘與香港余心怡兩個老對手之爭, 儘管兩人均有失誤, 王衡鏘憑高難度動作及整體流暢度以二點○九分之微險勝, 以總分一百五十七點七四分為澳門奪得今屆第二面金牌。
花式單車一日內為澳門代表團連進兩金。 領隊指進金最關鍵是體發局接納了單車總會的建議, 在今年八月派運動員到德國進行五周的特訓, 令水平得到很大提高。
Posted by seemacau at 12:25 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
City of Dreams Räikkönen Robertson form 'the racing dream team' 新濠天地Räikkönen Robertson夢幻賽車團隊出賽澳門格蘭披治大賽車 (新濠天地Räikkönen Robertson梦幻赛车团队出赛澳门格兰披治大赛车)
City of Dreams is proud to announce their collaboration with the world renowned Räikkönen Robertson Racing team in forming the City of Dreams – Räikkönen Robertson Racing team, the racing dream team created for the Macau Grand Prix 2009. City of Dreams racing team principal Mr. Matthew Marsh introduced the two new rising stars in the motor racing field, Mr. Renger van der Zande and Mr. Alexander Sims - who will be pursuing their dream of Macau Grand Prix stardom by representing City of Dreams – Räikkönen Robertson Racing as drivers in the Formula 3 of Macau Grand Prix 2009.
City of Dreams – Räikkönen Robertson racing driver Mr. Alexander Sims, aged 21, was nominated for ‘Rookie of the Year’ at the Autosport Awards 2009 - one of the motor sport industry’s most prestigious awards - and was the winner of 2008 McLaren Autosport BRDC Young Driver of the Year Award. The 21-year-old British will race in the Mercedes-Benz powered Formula Three car, No 18, emblazoned with City of Dreams livery as part of the dream team at the Macau Grand Prix 2009.
City of Dreams –Räikkönen Robertson Racing driver Mr. Renger van der Zande was the third in British Formula 3 series 2009. It is the third time the 23-year-old Dutch, racing in City of Dreams sponsored car No 17, competing at the Formula 3 of Macau Grand Prix 2009.
The Macau Grand Prix is recognized as the cradle of the hottest motor racing prospects, many previous racers, including current Formula One World Champion Mr. Jenson Button and former World Champion Mr. Lewis Hamilton have gone on to Formula One stardom.
新濠天地隆重宣佈與享譽全球的Räikkönen Robertson賽車隊伍, 組成新濠天地Räikkönen Robertson賽車團隊。 這個度身訂造的夢幻組合, 將於2009年第56屆澳門格蘭披治大賽車中出賽。
亞洲著名賽車手馬義益先生 (Matthew Marsh先生), 以新濠天地賽車團隊隊長身份介紹兩位車壇明日之星Alexander Sims先生及Renger van der Zande先生。 兩位車手將代表新濠天地Räikkönen Robertson賽車團隊於2009年第56屆澳門格蘭披治大賽車中參加三級方程式大賽, 為車隊競逐殊榮。
代表新濠天地Räikkönen Robertson賽車團隊出賽的21歲車手Alexander Sims先生, 今年獲提名為 《Autosport Awards》賽車界最崇高獎項之一的「最佳新人」, 去年更榮獲《麥羅倫汽車運動》BRDC 「年度青年車手」之名銜。 Alexander Sims先生將駕駛全身以新濠天地標誌作裝飾、並配備平治引擎的18號戰車參加2009年第56屆澳門格蘭披治大賽車的三級方程式大賽, 象徵著新濠天地賽車團隊的夢幻組合。
新濠天地Räikkönen Robertson 賽車團隊的另一位車手Renger van der Zande先生原籍荷蘭, 現年23歲, 為2009年英國三級方程式賽車的季軍。 他曾先後三次出戰澳門格蘭披治大賽車三級方程式賽事, 今年將駕駛由新濠天地贊助的17號賽車競賽。
澳門格蘭披治大賽車是車壇新星的搖籃, 多位曾經參賽的車手均登上一級方程式賽車的大舞台, 一展身手, 當中包括現任一級方程式世界冠軍Jenson Button先生及前世界冠軍Lewis Hamilton先生。
Posted by seemacau at 11:10 PM 1 comments
Labels: City of Dreams, Grand Prix
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
56th Macau Grand Prix - 第56屆澳門格蘭披治大賽車 (第56届澳门格兰披治大赛车)
The Macau Grand Prix - a race meeting to which the world's leading Formula 3 and touring car drivers. This edition of Macau Grand Prix will attract more than 200 competitors as well as thousands of motor sports fans descend on the city, for the world-famous international street circuit race meeting which features both car and motorcycle races. The event will be held from November 19-22.
The three headlines races is the Macau Formula 3 Grand Prix – the FIA Formula 3 Intercontinental Cup will leads 30 drivers from the various national championships compete for the unofficial world cup of Formula 3. It will also celebrates the 27th running of its Formula 3 Grand Prix and the fifth anniversary with the FIA World Touring Car Championship where Yvan Muller from France was crowned World Champion.
第56屆澳門格蘭披治大賽車將於11月19至22日舉行。 本屆比賽設八項賽事, 目前吸引超過二十多個國家和地區共二百五十多名車手參加。
澳門旅游局局長安棟梁表示, 經多年培訓, 本屆大賽車賽道工作人員和救援隊伍已全為本地人。 三大賽事包括摩托車、三級方程式及房車比賽均為國際級賽事, 對賽事管理有很高的要求。 觀眾席增加至一萬五千個座位。 今屆賽車將設特備節目, 分別在賽事日的周六及周日舉行, 包括主題圍繞過去五十五年賽車歷史的賽車服時裝表演以及歌舞表演。
大賽車委員會今年將進行新嘗試, 透過互聯網平台設置大賽車愛好者討論區, 並設賽車游戲, 增加宣傳渠道。 各口岸亦會設電視播放大賽車的宣傳片段, 澳門各重要景點亦會設置電視屏幕播放賽事。 本屆大賽車的各項准備工作正加緊進行, 賽事中心內開始搭建臨時車房, 整條賽道路面維修工作基本完成, 目前正在搭建看台及安裝防撞欄設施, 大賽車氣氛越來越濃厚。
Posted by seemacau at 10:30 AM 0 comments
Labels: Grand Prix, Videos
Monday, October 26, 2009
Sampras beats Agassi in Macau showdown 森柏斯挫宿敵阿加斯 (森柏斯挫宿敌阿加斯)
Pic Source : AP Photos
Andre Agassi shares a light moment with Pete Sampras during a friendly exhibition
Former world number one Pete Sampras beat long-time rival Andre Agassi at the Venetian Macao Tennis Showdown 2009. This is the first time the two had played since Sampras won in the 2002 U.S. Open final for his then-record 14th Grand Slam. Sampras led their head-to-head 20 to 14.
The match was first preceded by a 45 mins timed encounter between junior no.1 Yuki Bhambri and America's leading junior Ryan Harrison.
Playing in front of 11,000 enthusiastic fans strong crowd at the CotaiArena, Sampras lost the first set 3-6, but rallied to take the second 6-3 and then finished off Agassi in 10-8 tie-breaker. The pair played against each other 34 times in their professional careers.
The two former No. 1s have 124 career titles and 22 Grand Slams - Agassi has eight and Sampras 14. Agassi is one of only 6 men to have won all four majors and also won Olympic gold in Atlanta in 1996. Sampras' 14 Slams was a record until Federer won Wimbledon this year.
Match Results
Yuki Bhambri (IND) def. Ryan Harrison (USA) 5-5 15-0
Pete Sampras (USA) def. Andre Agassi (USA) 3-6 6-3 10-8
P. Sampras (USA) & Y. Bhambri (IND) def. A. Agassi (USA) & R. Harrison (USA) 7-5
澳門威尼斯人渡假村酒店主辦的“網球爭霸戰”, 10月25日在金光綜藝館上演三場精彩全場爆滿表演賽。 威尼斯人網球爭霸戰二○○九連續第三年為球迷帶來精彩比賽。 今次安排全新的對壘組合。 當中90年代叱吒風雲的兩位網球手 - 球王森柏斯與美國網壇名宿阿加斯七年後再續前緣成為重頭戲。 兩位球手是2002年美國公開賽決賽後首度對決。
森柏斯先輸一盤3:6, 繼後以同樣比數追平。 兩位宿敵各勝一盤後, 決勝的第3盤採用「超級決勝局」制, 森柏斯決勝分開出Ace險勝10:8。
森柏斯在職業生涯贏得十四項大滿貫錦標, 阿加斯是史上唯一一位“金滿貫”得主。
Posted by seemacau at 11:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: The Venetian Hotel and Casino, USA and Macau, Videos
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Venetian Macau Tennis Showdown 2009 Online Auctions 澳門威尼斯人2009網球爭霸戰網上拍賣 (澳门威尼斯人2009网球争霸战网上拍卖)
The Macao event has built an enviable tradition as one of the fun cities for the players to visit. Amongst its strengths is the tournament's recognition of the respective Charities and Foundations supported by the Players, the "Andre Agassi Foundation" and Pete Sampras' "Aces for Charity" program. The event also supports the "Make-a-Wish Foundation Hong Kong-Macao" and its mission to grant wishes to children suffering from life-threatening illnesses.
「澳門威尼斯人網球爭霸戰」已成功成為一個傳統。 賽事包含了慈善的元素為眾球星的慈善機構, 包括:「阿加斯慈善基金會」、「森柏斯的"Aces for Charity" Program」及以協助受病患威脅生命的兒童達成願望為宗旨的「願望成真基金」籌款。 今年大會亦會沿用以往的網上拍賣的方法籌款。 拍賣品包括廿九件眾球星簽名物品及極具珍藏價值紀念品。 其中以森柏斯及阿加斯簽名球衣、球鞋及球拍; 三場賽事賽前進行「擲硬幣」儀式最為珍貴。
Auction Listings
- Match Tickets (1)
* Two Complimentary A Class Match Tickets
- Autographed Rackets (2)
* One match racket autographed by Andre Agassi
* One match racket autographed by Pete Sampras
- Autographed Shirts (4)
* One autographed Andre Agassi match shirt
* One autographed Pete Sampras match shirt
* One autographed Ryan Harrison match shirt
* One autographed Yuki Bhambri match shirt
- Autographed Tennis Balls (7)
* One tennis ball signed by Andre Agassi and Pete Sampras
* One tennis ball signed by Andre Agassi and Yuki Bhambri
* One tennis ball signed by Andre Agassi and Ryan Harrison
* One tennis ball signed by Pete Sampras and Yuki Bhambri
* One tennis ball signed by Pete Sampras and Ryan Harrison
* One tennis ball signed by Agassi Sampras Bhambri & Harrison
* One tennis ball signed by Agassi Sampras Bhambri & Harrison
- Autographed Souvenir Programme (4)
* One event souvenir programme signed by Agassi Sampras Bhambri & Harrison (4)
- Coin Toss Experience (2)
* Coin Toss Experience - Andre Agassi v Pete Sampras Singles Match
* Coin Toss Experience - Yuki Bhambri vs Ryan Harrison Singles Match
- Autographed Book (2)
* One autographed Pete Sampras book
* One Autographed Andre Agassi book
- Autographed Poster (2)
* One Sergio Tacchini / Sampras poster signed by Pete Sampras
* One Nike Poster signed by Andre Agassi and Pete Sampras
- Private Hit Session (2)
* One private 20 minute hit session on court at the Venetian Macao resort Hotel with Ryan Harrison
* One private 20 minute hit session on court at the Venetian Macao resort Hotel with Yuki Bhambri
Posted by seemacau at 11:49 AM 0 comments
Labels: The Venetian Hotel and Casino
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
French driver Arnaud Kozlinski won the Super KF World Championship in Macau 法國車手Arnaud Kozlinski勇奪2009世界小型賽車冠軍 (法国车手Arnaud Kozlinski勇夺2009世界小型赛车冠军)
Pic Source : kartcom
The French driver Arnaud Kozlinski has just won the Super KF World Championship in Macau - the first ever World Karting Championship staging in Asia. Kozlinski dominated the racing world by winning the pre-final in the dry, three days after his 28th birthday, the Frenchman took victory in the final dispite rain beginning to fall shortly after the start of the race. Arnaud Kozlinski is also the first French World Champion in the premier class of karting. The race was halted after 75% of the race distance had been covered due to the weather condition. In this race, Aaro Vainio from Finland infiltrated into 2nd position and Manuel Renaudie from UK followed in 3rd position.
CIK-FIA世界小型賽車錦標賽首次登陸亞洲, 在澳門舉行的決戰因天雨關系提前五圈結束, 但無損賽事的激烈程度。 排頭位出賽的法國車手Arnaud Kozlinski在激戰中擊敗一眾強敵榮登 2009 CIK-FIA 世界小型賽車錦標賽冠軍寶座。 芬蘭車手Aaro Vainio以短距離落敗屈居亞軍, 英國車手Ben Hanley第三名。
Arnaud Kozlinski成為首位贏得最高級別小型賽車比賽Super KF冠軍的法國車手, 這位28歲的好手周四度過28歲生日, 他很興奮能在澳門稱王: "2006年我先在日本世界盃稱王, 再在澳門摘下世錦賽桂冠, 亞洲真是我的『福地』" "這實在難以置信。 開始下雨後, 我知道比賽會很漫長而且難以應付, 我更不容犯錯。 幸好Aaro Vainio在我前面, 他為我引路, 我們成功避過麻煩, 後來我成功超越他取得領先。"
Posted by seemacau at 1:08 PM 0 comments
Labels: France and Macau
Monday, October 5, 2009
The 2009 CIK-FIA World Karting Championship 澳門首次主辦全球矚目的CIK-FIA 2009世界小型賽車錦標賽 (澳门首次主办全球瞩目的CIK-FIA 2009世界小型赛车锦标赛)
The 2009 CIK-FIA World Karting Championship, is set to take place between October 8 and October 11 at the Kartodromo in Coloane. This will be the 46th edition of the World Championship and the first to be held on the Asian Continent, where fans across Asia can watch the potential Formula One champions in action. A total of 170 karters from 20 countries and regions will take part in the event. The event will also includes numerous support races as part of the 2009 Macau International Kart Grand Prix.
All three of last year's CIK-FIA World Karting Championship podium finishers will make the trip to Macau, with reigning champion Marco Ardigò (ITA) seeking a third consecutive crown. Libro Toman (CZE) and Gary Catt (GBR), who placed second and third respectively in 2008 will also take part of the event. Two-time Macau Karting Champion João Afonso - will become the first Macau karter to compete at the pinnacle of the sport.
CIK-FIA世界小型賽車錦標賽將首次移師亞洲舉行, 澳門將於今年10月8日至11日主辦這項全球矚目的大賽。 這也是賽事舉辦46屆以來首次登陸亞洲。 來自20個國家及地區的170位世界小型賽車頂尖年輕小型賽車好手將雲集澳門路環小型賽車場。 兩屆澳門小型賽車錦標賽冠軍得主方約翰(Joao Afonso), 將於主場第一次參與世界級賽事, 是首名參與最高級小型賽車比賽的澳門車手。
小型賽車運動地位最高的賽事CIK-FIA世界小型賽車錦標賽, 曾協助冼拿、舒密加、咸姆頓及古碧加等一級方程式車手賽車巨星展開賽車事業。
亞洲小型賽車公開錦標賽的各項比賽也會同期舉行。 來自9個國家及地區的112位車手會參加各項支援賽, 其中17位是澳門車手。
Posted by seemacau at 1:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Videos
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Thaworn Wiratchant claimed 11th Asian Tour wins at Macau Open - 2009年澳門高爾夫球公開賽泰國選手Thaworn Wiratchant奪冠 (2009年澳门高尔夫球公开赛泰国选手Thaworn Wiratchant夺冠)
Pic Source : AFP
Thailand's Thaworn Wiratchant claimed his 11th Asian Tour victory, with a commanding six-shot triumph in Macau at the US $500,000-dollar full-field event at the Macau Golf and Country Club.
Thaworn charged home with a closing three-under-par for a four-day total of 15-under-par 269 to India's Gaganjeet Bhullar, who added the growing reputation as the rising star in Asian golf. Gaganjeet Bhullar powered his way to a final round 66 to finish in second place on 275, behind the seasoned veteran Thaworn Wiratchant. Matthew Griffin from Australia surged up the leaderboard with an eagle on the second hole to share third place with South African Keith Horne on 278. Taiwan's Lin Wen-hong and Yoshinobu Tsukada of Japan ended their campaign in fifth position on 279.
Thaworn Wiratchant victory left him one title short of equaling the Asian Tour record of 12 career wins, set by his compatriot Thongchai Jaidee, but the 42-year-old said he was confident of overtaking his countryman.
總獎金50萬美元的2009年澳門高爾夫公開賽在澳門鄉村高爾夫球會結束。 泰國名將Thaworn Wiratchant延續好狀態, 以總成績-15, 6桿優勢奪冠。 這也是他個人的第11項亞巡賽冠軍。 Thaworn Wiratchant早前在瑞士舉行的歐米茄歐洲名人賽, 取得了並列第11名的好成績。 在澳門高爾夫公開賽最后一輪比賽, Thaworn打出了68杆低於標准杆3杆, 四輪總成績為269杆低於標准杆15杆。 在奪得澳門公開賽的冠軍后, Thaworn與同胞Thongchai Jaidee第12個亞巡賽冠軍的紀錄隻差一個了。 不過42歲的Thaworn對超過Thongchai的亞巡賽冠軍紀錄很有信心。
印度新星Gaganjeet Bhullar落后Thaworn Wiratchant6杆, 總成績275杆獲得亞軍。 Gaganjeet Bhullar是本賽季印度尼西亞總統邀請賽的冠軍, 他在最后一輪打出了66杆的成績。 亞巡賽新人澳大利亞選手Matthew Griffin與南非球員Keith Horne都以總成績278杆獲得並列第3名。 台灣球員林文鴻和日本選手塚田好宣, 以279杆排在並列第5位。
Posted by seemacau at 11:23 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Macau Golf Open 2009 - 澳門高爾夫球公開賽2009 (澳门高尔夫球公开赛2009)
The Macau Open, supported by the Macau Sports Development Board, is celebrating its 12th anniversary this year. The tournament has long been regarded as one of the most popular events on the Asian Tour. It will be staged at the Macau Golf and Country Club from September 10-13.
Former champions includes Lee Westwood (1999) and Simon Dyson of England (2000), Colin Montgomerie (2003) of Scotland, Kane Webber (2006) of Australia, two-time winner Zhang Lian Wei (2001 and 2002) of China and last year’s winner David Gleeson of Australia.
This US$500,000 Macau Open is the 15th leg of this season’s Asian Tour Schedule. The Asian Tour is the official regional sanctioning body for professional golf in Asia.
2009澳門高爾夫球公開賽9月10日至13日在澳門高爾夫球會開杆, 公開賽一連4日舉行。 來自世界各地好手雲集澳門競逐殊榮, 競爭50萬美元獎金。 今屆有144名來自27個國家和地區的選手參賽, 澳門有1位選手參加。
澳門公開賽一直被視為亞洲巡回賽上最熱門的賽事之一, 也是亞洲巡回賽上歴史最悠久的賽事。 澳門公開賽歷屆冠軍包括: Lee Westwood (英格蘭,1999), Simon Dyson (英格蘭,2000), 張連偉(中國,2001、2002), Colin Montgomerie (蘇格蘭,2003), Kane Webber (澳洲,2006), David Gleeson (澳洲, 2008)。
Posted by seemacau at 9:47 PM 0 comments
Labels: Macau Golf and Country Club
Monday, August 24, 2009
Lee Chong Wei bag Macau Open titles 馬來西亞「一哥」拿督李宗偉稱霸澳門羽毛球公開賽 (马来西亚「一哥」拿督李宗伟称霸澳门羽毛球公开赛)
World No. 1 Datuk Lee Chong Wei bagged his fifth title for the year here in Macau, beating fellow Malaysian Wong Choong Hann 21-15, 21-19 in 36 minutes in the men’s singles final. Chong Wei redeemed his loss with this victory to Athens Olympics 2004 champion Taufik Hidayat in last year's Macau Open final.
Kien Keat-Boon Heong won the Macau Open men’s doubles title for the third successive time, defeating compatriots Choong Tan Fook-Lee Wan Wah 21-14, 17-21, 21-12.
China took the other three titles at stake as All-England champion Wang Yihan dashed Jiang Yanjiao’s hopes of earning her first title for the year by 16-21, 22-20, 21-12 win in the women’s singles final.
The women's doubles title went to Du Jing-Yu Yang who beat another Chinese pair of Yang Wei-Zhang Jiewen 21-16, 21-11 in a match that took only 23 minutes.
China also took the mixed doubles title when their pair He Hanbin-Yu Yang beat the Indonesian pair of Hendra Aprida Gunawan-Vita Marissa in 21-14, 21-9.
奬金高達一百萬元的2009年澳門羽毛球公開賽結束, 8月23日決出全部五項冠軍。
馬來西亞「一哥」拿督李宗偉以及古健杰/陳文宏組合則分別稱霸男單及男雙。 李宗偉直落兩局擊敗同胞黃綜翰, ,輕取兩局21比16、21比11奪冠, 首度在澳門封王。 取得賽事自開辦四屆以來個人首個澳門公開賽錦標。 古健杰及陳文宏以局數2比1擊敗隊友鍾騰福及李萬華, 成功衛冕兼取得三連冠。
中國隊奪得了女單、女雙以及混雙3個專案的冠軍。 女雙分別由廣州籍雅典奧運會冠軍楊維/張潔雯在決賽中輸給了北京奧運會冠軍杜婧/于洋, 以21比16、21比11奪冠屈居亞軍。 澳門的張君/張之博獲得季軍。 中國隊女單明日之星王儀涵經過3局苦戰, 以16比21、22比20和21比12獲勝。 何漢斌/于洋在混雙決賽中, 輕取以非種子身份殺入冠軍戰的印尼隊選手古納萬/瑪莉薩。 直落兩局21比14、21比9解決對手。
Posted by seemacau at 12:48 PM 0 comments
Labels: Malaysia and Macau
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
2009 Macau Open Badminton Championships - 2009澳門羽毛球公開賽 (2009澳门羽毛球公开赛)
Organized by Badminton Federation of Macau, the “Macau Open Badminton Championships 2009” will commence from 18th to 23rd August at Tap Seac Multisport Pavilion. The Macau Open Badminton Championships is one of the BWF World Grand Prix Gold event since 2007. It has been attracted all the top badminton players from around the world.
This year, the Macau Open Badminton Championships has attracted about 300 players from 25 countries and regions including China, Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan, England and Macau to participate. The five individual events includes the Men’s and Women’s Singles, Men’s and Women’s Doubles and Mixed doubles. Among all the participating players, 43 of them were ranked in the World Top 20.
8月18日 (10:00-22:00) Qualification Round and Round 1
8月19日 (10:00-22:00) Round 2
8月20日 (15:00-22:00) Round 3
8月21日 (15:00-22:00) Quarter Finals
8月22日 (13:00) Special Session
8月22日 (14:00-19:00) Semi Finals
8月23日 (13:00) Special Session
8月23日 (14:00-19:00) Finals
由國際羽毛球聯會授權、澳門羽毛球總會主辦的2009澳門羽毛球公開賽, 於8月18日至23日拉開戰幕。 25個國家和地區的300餘名運動員, 連續6日在塔石體育館上演精彩比賽。 參賽人數是歷屆之冠。 澳門派出林志文、梁建輝、陳耀宗及麥嘉莉等十四名運動員應戰。
這賽事是國際羽聯今年的第五個四星級賽事。 比賽分男、女子單打; 男、女子雙打及混合雙打五項比賽。 當中世界排名前20名的運動員約有43人。 來自世界各地的多位世界級選手包括男子單打排名世界第一的李宗偉, 第二的陳金, 印尼的陶菲克。 女子單打世界排名第一的周蜜、第二的王琳。 男子雙打世界排名第二的古健杰/陳文宏。 混雙世界排名第四的何漢斌/于洋以及2008年北京奧運羽毛球女子雙打冠軍杜婧/于洋等多個著名運動員將再次雲集澳門。
8月18日 (10:00-22:00) 預賽及正賽[64強]
8月19日 (10:00-22:00) 正賽[32強]
8月20日 (15:00-22:00) 正賽[16強]
8月21日 (15:00-22:00) 正賽[半準決賽]
8月22日 (13:00) 特別環節
8月22日 (14:00-19:00) 準決賽
8月23日 (13:00) 特別環節
8月23日 (14:00-19:00) 決賽
Posted by seemacau at 12:47 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 8, 2009
English Premiere League to be free broadcast live at Macau Cable TV 澳門球迷可免費看英格蘭超級聯賽 (澳门球迷可免费看英格兰超级联赛)
Macauslot announced their third continued sponsorship to Macau Cable TV and provide free broadcast of the “09/10 Premier League”. Locals now can enjoy the free broadcast with two weekly Premier Leagues matches in Macau Cable Channel 1. A total of 80 Premier League matches will be broadcasted with Cantonese commentaires.
The first Premier League matches to be broadcasted will be Blackburn Rovers vs Manchester City on August 15.
英格蘭超級聯賽將於8月15日開鑼, 澳門彩票有限公司今年將連續第三年繼續贊助澳門有線電視免費直播『09/10英格蘭超級聯賽』, 球迷將可以繼續免費欣賞英超盛事。 由8月15日起澳門市民可透過『有線第一頻道』, 每星期免費直擊2場英超直播賽事, 全季超級聯賽共80場直播賽事均設廣東話旁述。
Posted by seemacau at 1:31 AM 0 comments
Labels: Media
Friday, July 17, 2009
Macau performance at the 2nd Lusophony Games 第2屆葡語系運動會澳門成績 (第2届葡语系运动会澳门成绩)
After 7 days of competitions at the 2nd Lusophony Games held at Lisbon, Brazil has so far widen its big lead in the medals table, the host country Portugal ranks second, while African country Angola took the third spots.
Macau has finish all the games at the Lusophony Games and won 1 gold, 3 silver and 5 bronze medals in total. Wong Chon Nam won the only gold medal for Macau in the women's 67kg category and Chan Chi-Kuen won a silver in the men's 80kg category taekwondo. Both male and female volleyball teams have won a silver medal, with both teams winning their matches against India, but losing against Portugal. Macau also won a bronze medal (Kin Wa Leong) in the men's single table tennis event, men's double table tennis event and women's double table tennis event, Taekwondo women's 67kg (Li Sin Man) and men's 58kg (Cheung Chi Kin) category.
Macau was represented by a delegation of 60 athletes playing six different sports. This includes 6 athletes taking part in athletics, 11 in basketball, 5 in judo, 8 in table tennis, 7 in taekwando and 23 in volleyball.
第2屆葡語系運動會進行第7天賽事, 實力強勁的巴西代表團以75枚獎牌高踞獎牌榜首位 (金牌33枚, 銀牌22枚, 銅牌20枚)。 東道主葡萄牙以71枚獎牌名列第二 (金牌25枚, 銀牌33枚, 銅牌13枚)。 澳門現以一金, 三銀, 五銅位列奬牌榜第四位。 此次運動會的比賽設置了田徑、籃球、足球、室內足球、乒乓球、跆拳道、排球等8個大項。
澳門運動員在今屆葡語系運動會完成了所有賽事, 並取得1枚金牌, 3枚銀牌和3枚銅牌的出色運動成績。 澳門團在跆拳項目女子六十七公斤以上組別賽事, 實力強橫的王俊楠連贏兩場擊敗葡萄牙贏得金牌。 爭奪男子八十公斤以上級別的陳志權奪得一面銀牌。 男子及女子排球隊在最後一場賽事中雙雙對戰葡萄牙隊, 結果分別以局數0:3不敵對手, 在此項賽事中分別獲得一面銀牌。 在乒乓球女子團體賽事中, 澳門隊分別以局數3:0戰勝印度隊及安哥拉隊, 但以局數0:3分別負於巴西隊及葡萄牙隊, 獲得此項賽事的銅牌。 在男子乒乓球團體賽事季軍爭奪戰中, 澳門隊以局數3:2擊敗對手斯里蘭卡隊。 男子單打賽事隊友黃漢榮及梁建華雙雙進身四強, 梁健華以局數4:1戰勝隊友黃漢榮, 奪得一面銅牌。 澳門還在女子六十七公斤以上組別賽事及男子五十六公斤以上組別賽事, 由李倩雯與張志健各贏一面奪得銅牌。
澳門派出運動員參加田徑、排球、籃球、乒乓球、空手道以及新增的柔道六個項目。 60名運動員組成的代表包括: 6名田徑運動員、11名籃球運動員、5名柔道運動員、8名乒乓球運動員、7名跆拳道運動員、23名排球運動員。
Posted by seemacau at 11:38 PM 0 comments
Labels: Portugal and Macau
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Sampras and Agassi donate items for online charity auction 森柏斯及阿加斯捐珍藏拍賣籌款 (森柏斯及阿加斯捐珍藏拍卖筹款)
Grand Slam Champions Sampras and Agassi - the two former rivals Sampras and Agassi will renew their rivalry in The Venetian Macau Tennis Showdown in October this year.
The Venetian Macau and IMG recently organize the online charity auction for the 'The Venetian Macau Tennis Showdown'. Twenty nine personally signed items or memorabilia are to be auctioned before the match. It includes autographed Sampras and Agassi shirts, shoes and rackets, and three priceless coin toss experiences for the three matches. Fans will also have the rare opportunity to hit exclusively with Ryan Harrison and/or Yuki Bhambri in two twenty minute sessions. The moeny will be donate to respective Charities and Foundations including “Andre Agassi Foundation” and Pete Sampras' “Aces for Charity” program - which will help to support those who are less fortunate. The event also supports the “Make-a-Wish Foundation Hong Kong-Macau”, its mission is to grant wishes to children suffering from life-threatening illnesses.
將於10月舉行的「澳門威尼斯人 - 網球爭霸戰」。 賽事以網上拍賣森柏斯及阿加斯的物品為慈善機構籌款, 拍賣活動已拉開帷幕。
是次「慈善品」包括29件球星簽名物品及極具珍藏價值紀念品, 森柏斯與阿加斯將捐出其簽名球衣、球鞋和球拍等私人珍藏, 及機會難逢的賽前『擲銀仔』機會。 參與是次拍賣的得獎球迷, 更可與一親友獲得與球星班布里或哈里森擊球達20分鐘的珍貴機會。 所有善款將撥歸「阿加斯慈善基金會」, 「森柏斯的 “Aces for Charity” Program」及「願望成真基金」 - 致力幫助病重的兒童達成願望。
Posted by seemacau at 10:18 AM 283 comments
Labels: The Venetian Hotel and Casino
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Macau represented at the Lisbon Lusofonia Games 第二屆葡語系運動會澳門代表團 (第二届葡语系运动会澳门代表团)
Macau will participate in the second Lusofonia Games at Lisbon with 60 athletes. A total of 84 people will depart for Lisbon on July 8, with six athletes enrolled in athletics, eleven in basketball, five in Judo, eight in table tennis, seven in taekwondo and 23 in volleyball.
The second Lusofonia Games will take place in Lisbon from July 9 to 11. Participating countries and regions include Angola, Brazil, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Macao, Mozambique, Portugal, Sao Tome and Principe. Associate members of the Association of the Portuguese Speaking Olympic Committees - East Timor as well as India and Sri Lanka will also participate in this event.
Lusofonia Games held its first games in Macau, where the local team won five bronze medals in athletics, five bronze in table tennis, one bronze in taekwondo and a silver in volleyball, finishing in fifth place in the medal tally.
第二屆葡語系運動會將於2009年7月11日至19日, 在葡萄牙里斯本舉行。 澳門體育代表團將參加田徑、籃球、排球、跆拳道、乒乓球及柔道等六個項目賽事。 第二屆葡語系運動會參加的國家和地區包括葡萄牙、安哥拉、巴西、維德角、幾內亞比索、澳門、莫三比克、聖多美和普林西比、東帝汶以及非正式成員赤道幾內亞、印度、斯里蘭卡。
上屆葡語系運動會澳門以三銀八銅, 獎牌榜排名第五。
Posted by seemacau at 8:22 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 3, 2009
Macau FIVB World Grand Prix - 2009澳門銀河娛樂世界女排大獎賽 (2009澳门银河娱乐世界女排大奖赛)
This year, Macau will again host the 2009 World Women's Volleyball Grand Prix in August, according to sources with the Macau's Sports Institute.
A dozen of the world's strongest women's teams from Brazil, China, Poland and Thailand will go head to head in Macau in the 2009 Women's World Volleyball Grand Prix, which will be take place in the Macau Forum from 7th to 9th August.
Macau was first hosted the FIVB Women's World Volleyball Grand Prix in 1994.
Venue: Macau Forum
Admission: MOP$150 (free seating)
Ticketing: Circle K outlets
Organizers: Macau Sport Development Board and Volleyball Association of Macau
Telephone enquiries: 2823 6363
2009澳門銀河娛樂世界女排大獎賽, 將於8月初假綜藝館舉行, 賽事將於8月7日至9日舉行。 前來作賽的隊伍分別有中國、巴西、波蘭及泰國。 賽事採單循環賽制, 不設劃位。
三日賽事共6000張門票於澳門全線OK便利店, 香港、珠海及廣州部分分店發售, 門票一律150元。
作為今屆世界女排大獎賽第2輪賽事, 贊助商今銀河娛樂年以280萬澳門幣贊助賽事。 酒店方面銀河娛樂集團更表示會為球員提供特別餐單助備戰: 「我們除於房間設『特長』床位, 更於餐單方面提供高纖、高熱量的餐單, 令球員有足夠體力應戰。」
澳門體育發長局局長亦表示特別設立「我最喜愛球員選舉」, 令球迷更投入賽事。 觀眾可以即場投票方式選出心目中最喜愛球員。
Posted by seemacau at 6:24 AM 0 comments
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Macau Golf Association Junior Golf Program - first Macau Junior Golf team established 澳門首支青少年高爾夫球隊成立 (澳门首支青少年高尔夫球队成立)
The first Macau Junior Golf team is now established, and home at Caesars Golf Macau. This is part of the Macau Golf Association Junior Golf Program to provide opportunities for children to experience golf, helping to identify and develop talented young Macanese players. The team will represented Macau on the 2010 Asia Games held at Guangzhou.
澳門高爾夫球總會宣布, 澳門首支青少年高爾夫球隊成立。 布奇哈蒙高爾夫球學校校長哈蒙親自主持了青少年高爾夫球隊的首個集訓環節。
這支高爾夫球隊, 由澳門本地青少年組成14位成員, 全部經過嚴格的挑選和測試, 具有優秀的潛質。 隊伍將由布奇哈蒙高爾夫學校執教並於凱撒高爾夫接受訓練。 他們中的12位將代表澳門參加2010年在廣州舉辦的亞洲運動會。
Posted by seemacau at 2:50 PM 0 comments
Labels: Golf and Country Club
Two days with Butch Harmon at Caesars Golf Club
Pic Source : Rolex
Date: Friday, 5 June 2009 - Saturday, 6 June 2009
Venue: Caesars Golf, Estrada de Seac Pai Van, SN, R/C, Clube de Golfe Oriente, Cotai, Macau
Phone: 8896 3116
- Two Days of Instruction with Butch Harmon
- Computerized Video Analysis
- One 9-Hole Playing Lesson at Course with Butch Harmon
- Lunch each Day of the School with Butch Harmon
- Transportation provided between Hotel / Golf School
- Exclusive Souvenir Pack & Photo Opportunity with Butch Harmon
Special Introductory Offer: $25,000 per person
Regular Price: $40,000 per person
Posted by seemacau at 3:15 AM 0 comments
Saturday, May 23, 2009
2009 Macau International Dragon Boat Races - 2009年澳門國際龍舟賽 (2009年澳门国际龙舟赛)
Date of Event: 23rd, 24th and 28th May 2009
Venue: Nam Van Lake Nautical Centre
Free Admission
23/05/2008 Saturday
Macau Small Dragon Boat Races (250m)
Macau Standard Dragon Boat Race Open (2000m)
24/05/2009 Sunday
Macau Standard Dragon Boat Races Open (500m)
28/05/2009 Thursday
Macau International Invitational Standard Dragon Boat Races (500m)
“2009澳門國際龍舟賽” 將於本年5月23日、24日及28日, 假南灣湖水上活動中心舉行。 本年度的賽事除錄得136支本地隊伍報名參賽外, 亦吸引了多支實力非凡的隊伍包括澳門代表隊及有來自中國內地(九江及西樵)、香港、菲律賓、新加坡、美國三藩市、馬來西亞檳城及阿聯酋杜拜的隊伍參與國際邀請賽。
- 澳門小龍公開賽
- 澳門大學生小龍公開賽
- 澳門公職人員小龍賽
- 澳門龍舟公開賽標準龍2000米的賽事
- 澳門龍舟公開賽標準龍500米的賽事
- 重頭戲澳門國際龍舟邀請賽標準龍500米的賽事。
澳門國際龍舟賽標準龍500米公開組總決賽, 男子組和女子組冠軍都刷新大會紀錄, 並成功衛冕。
冠軍 - 中國南海九江隊, 時間是1分52秒74
冠軍 - 中國九江名門世家隊, 時間是1分59秒41
Posted by seemacau at 2:49 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 21, 2009
The Venetian Macau Tennis Showdown 2009 澳門威尼斯人網球爭霸戰2009 (澳门威尼斯人网球争霸战2009)
Two of the greatest players - Pete Sampras and Andre Agassi will once again make tennis history at the CotaiArena™ (This will be the first match up between the two legendary rivals since Sampras defeated Agassi to capture the 2002 US Open). Fans will also be treated to two of tomorrow’s brightest talents, Junior World No.1 Yuki Bhambri and American Ryan Harrison.
Tickets On Sale Friday 22nd May - 10am
Date : Sunday, 25th October 2009
Time : 2pm
Venue : CotaiArena™
Ticket Price : MOP$980, MOP$780, MOP$480, MOP$280
Language : Chinese, English
- Bhambri and Harrison will kick of the afternoon with a timed 45-minute singles match.
- Followed by Pete Sampras vs Andre Agassi - two sets and a ten point tie-breaker if one set all.
- Followed by – Pete Sampras / Yuki Bhambri vs Andre Agassi / Ryan Harrison or Andre Agassi / Yuki Bhambri vs Pete Sampras / Ryan Harrison - One set of doubles. (Pairings determined by draw at the “Meet the Players” Press Conference on Saturday, October 24th, 2009)
兩位球壇上赫赫有名的一代名將森栢斯(Pete Sampras)與阿加斯(Andre Agassi)將駕臨金光綜藝館™一較高下 (最后一次森栢斯與阿加斯在網球場上的對壘已是2002年的美國網球公開賽, 賽事由森栢斯勝出)。 球迷亦可同時欣賞到包括現任青少年世界賽排名第一, 來自印度的天才少年球手班布裡(Yuki Bhambri)以及來自美國的球壇新秀哈裡遜(Ryan Harrison)。
日期 : 10月25日星期日
時間 : 下午 2 時正
地點 : 威尼斯人綜合館
價格 : 澳門幣$980, $780, $480, $280
語言 : 中文, 英文
- 班布裡(Yuki Bhambri)與哈裡遜將(Ryan Harrison)率先上場, 以一場45分鐘之單打賽作頭陣。
- 緊接戲肉上場 - 兩大球王森栢斯與阿加斯親自下場決戰, 以兩盤單打一決高下。 若打成平手,即進入十分制決勝局。
- 兩位名宿隨后將與兩名網壇新秀連袂出戰, 為全場觀眾帶來一盤精彩刺激的雙打賽事 - 森栢斯與班布裡 對戰 阿加斯與哈裡遜 或 阿加斯與班布裡 對戰 森栢斯與哈裡遜。(具體分隊將於2009 年10月24日之記者招待會上現場抽簽決定。)
Posted by seemacau at 9:37 PM 0 comments
Labels: The Venetian Hotel and Casino
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Morton's Golf Classic Invitation
Event Date: Wednesday, 25 March 2009
Location: Macau Golf & Country Club
Time: Starts at 11:15am
Organizer: ILCM and Morton's
Posted by seemacau at 2:36 AM 0 comments
Labels: Macau Golf and Country Club
Monday, February 23, 2009
Kundalini & Workshops with Nam Nidhan from Chile
Event Date: Saturday, 28 February 2009 - Sunday, 8 March 2009
Price: MOP$150 to $1,100
Organizer: YOGA WORLD Macau & Taipa
Venue: YOGA WORLD Taipa, 301 – 309 Avenida Olimpica, Flower City - Edificio Peonia, Ground & First Floor
Phone: 28841338
About Nam Nidhan
Nam Nidhan - who has been teaching for 14 years in all Latin America and Spain, training hundreds of teachers and sharing the values of the new global community. She is the Founder of "Woman of Light" a Foundation for helping women around the world to live with self value and dignity, the basic elements for rising the consciousness of our planet. Nam Nidhan Kaur is also the Founder of Narayan Yoga School in Santiago, Chile, since 1998.
* The Ocean of Life (16 Hours)
Feb. 28th & March 1st
Awakening your true being through the Science of Kundalini Yoga
Including: True Self, True Peace - The Ten spiritual Bodies of Consciousness - The 5 obstacles of Consciousness: a trip trough your elements.
$1,100 / Early Bird $800
* The Nature of Fear and Love (2.5 Hours)
March 2nd
$220 / Early Bird $180
* Learning to be a Human Being (2.5 Hours)
March 2nd
$220 / Early Bird $180
* The Five sutras for modern times (2.5 Hours)
March 6th
$220 / Early Bird $180
* Women of Light (16 Hours)
March 7th & March 8th
This healing workshop is focused in awakening women to their true hidden identity. Participants will discover meditations and yoga for women to help them reach a state of self worth and deep self-love.
$1,100 / Early Bird $800
Posted by seemacau at 3:12 AM 0 comments
Sunday, February 8, 2009
First Macau GT Race - Macau GT Cup 澳門GT盃大賽 (澳门GT盃大赛)
The first year of Macau GT Cup - this year the Supercar Club Hong Kong will strongly support the race event.
The majority of race drivers from the Asia Supercar Challenge series plus more than 10 drivers from other international race series have been invited to compete in this event.
Many different GT3 race cars competing including Lamborghini Gallardo GT3, Ferrari 430 GT3, 430 Challenge, and 360, Lotus Elise GT3, Aston Martin N24 GT4, and Porsche 996, 997 GT3, and two limited production 997 GT3 Cup S. The race will be held on Nov 16th Sunday.
澳門將會舉辦首次GT大賽, 新賽事命名為Macau GT Cup - 澳門GT盃大賽。 香港超級跑車會Supercar Club Hong Kong將全力協辦及支持。
亞洲超級跑車挑戰賽Asia Supercar Challenge 2008(ASCC)大部份車手將聯同十多名國際級好手被邀請參加澳門GT盃大賽。 澳門GT盃大賽將於11月16日星期日於澳門東望洋跑道舉行。
參加車包括最新型號之GT3賽車 - 包括林寶堅尼Gallardo GT3, Ferrari法拉利430 GT3, 430 Challenge及360賽車, 蓮花GT3, 亞士頓馬田N24 GT4, 而保時捷將會有996, 997GT3及兩台997GT3S(2008年全世界生產25輛)。 兩台美國7000cc Chevrolet Corvette C6 Z06 GT3.
Posted by seemacau at 6:53 PM 0 comments
Labels: Cars, Grand Prix