Saturday, July 4, 2009

Macau represented at the Lisbon Lusofonia Games 第二屆葡語系運動會澳門代表團 (第二届葡语系运动会澳门代表团)

Macau will participate in the second Lusofonia Games at Lisbon with 60 athletes. A total of 84 people will depart for Lisbon on July 8, with six athletes enrolled in athletics, eleven in basketball, five in Judo, eight in table tennis, seven in taekwondo and 23 in volleyball.

The second Lusofonia Games will take place in Lisbon from July 9 to 11. Participating countries and regions include Angola, Brazil, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Macao, Mozambique, Portugal, Sao Tome and Principe. Associate members of the Association of the Portuguese Speaking Olympic Committees - East Timor as well as India and Sri Lanka will also participate in this event.

Lusofonia Games held its first games in Macau, where the local team won five bronze medals in athletics, five bronze in table tennis, one bronze in taekwondo and a silver in volleyball, finishing in fifth place in the medal tally.

第二屆葡語系運動會將於2009年7月11日至19日, 在葡萄牙里斯本舉行。 澳門體育代表團將參加田徑、籃球、排球、跆拳道、乒乓球及柔道等六個項目賽事。 第二屆葡語系運動會參加的國家和地區包括葡萄牙、安哥拉、巴西、維德角、幾內亞比索、澳門、莫三比克、聖多美和普林西比、東帝汶以及非正式成員赤道幾內亞、印度、斯里蘭卡。

上屆葡語系運動會澳門以三銀八銅, 獎牌榜排名第五。



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