Monday, December 7, 2009

Macau got home first two EAG gold medals from Indoor Pair Artistic Cycling 香港東亞運澳門花式單車奪兩金 (香港东亚运澳门花式单车夺两金)

Pic Source : East Asia Games Hong Kong 2009
Kuan Sok In and Kuan Sok Mui

Wong Hang Cheong

Macau got home the first two gold medals in the East Asian Games in Hong Kong. Kuan Sok In and Kuan Sok Mui beat Hong Kong in the Indoor Pair Artistic Cycling Women Final, bringing home the first gold medal of the international multi-sport event. Kuan Sok In and Kuan Sok Mui scored a final result of 62.61, successfully defeating two teams from Hong Kong (respectively scored 57.63 and 46.82).

Another Macau's athelete Wong Hang Cheong was crowned the championship in the Men’s Indoor Single Artistic Cycling later on the same day. Wong Hang Cheong scored the highest of 157.74, with the first and second runner-ups both went to Hong Kong who scored respectively 155.65 and 127.49.

在香港舉行的東亞運動會, 澳門在室內花式單車項目連奪兩面金牌, 亞錦賽亞軍的“姐妹檔”關淑賢和關淑梅先在女子雙人花式獲勝。 為澳門為澳門作金牌零的突破, 勇奪“第一金”。 關淑賢和關淑梅發揮超水準擊敗東道主香港。 姐妹檔憑藉獨有的默契, 全程比賽中表現穩定流暢, 獲觀衆熱烈掌聲。

而亞洲紀錄保持者王衡鏘其後亦奪得男子單人項目金牌。 男子單人比賽有六人角逐, 澳門、香港及日本分別有兩名運動員出戰。 王衡鏘與香港余心怡兩個老對手之爭, 儘管兩人均有失誤, 王衡鏘憑高難度動作及整體流暢度以二點○九分之微險勝, 以總分一百五十七點七四分為澳門奪得今屆第二面金牌。

花式單車一日內為澳門代表團連進兩金。 領隊指進金最關鍵是體發局接納了單車總會的建議, 在今年八月派運動員到德國進行五周的特訓, 令水平得到很大提高。


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