Friday, December 19, 2008

Harrah’s Entertainment unveil plans for golf lifestyle project in Macau 美國哈樂斯娛樂公司公佈澳門高爾夫球發展計劃 (美国哈乐斯娱乐公司公佈澳门高尔夫球发展计划)

Pic Source : Sina

Harrah’s Entertainment and Butch Harmon unveiled the vision for Caesars Golf Macau on 16th Dec. The plan includes the establishment of Asia’s first Butch Harmon School of Golf. Harmon has been the coach of several world #1 ranked players. The par 72 golf course development will include an expansion of the clubhouse to 32,000 square feet with a 4,000-square-foot spa, a golf lifestyle boutique, state-of-the-art meeting facilities, a clubhouse to feature high end and fine-dining restaurant operated by G&L Group. Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Harrah’s Entertainment Gary Loveman told the cost was $25.8 million.

The Asia’s first Butch Harmon School of Golf in Macau will impart the teaching philosophy that began with Harmon’s father, Claude - who is the 1948 US Masters champion.

Harrah’s Entertainment underscored its commitment to diversifying the leisure attractions available in Macau. The company acquired the 175 acre Macau Orient Golf Course in September 2007. “Now we are redefining what destination golf can be right here in Macau with Caesars Golf. We look forward to working closely with the Macau government to help continue grow and diversify its tourism sector,” Gary W. Loveman added.

The company also announced that the club will be home to the ‘Macau Golf Association Junior Golf Programme at Caesars Golf Macau’. This program will provide opportunities for children to experience golf, and at the same time helping to identify, develop talented young Macanese players.

美國哈樂斯娛樂公司(Harrah's Entertainment)和著名高爾夫球教練布奇哈蒙(Butch Harmon), 12月16日天攜手公佈“凱撒高爾夫”發展計劃, 計劃包括開設亞洲首間布奇哈蒙高爾夫學校, 及改造現有的高爾夫球場。 合力打造五星級高爾夫休閒勝地。 重點包括重新設計及改建現有的72標準桿球場, 並擴建3萬2千平方呎設施會所, 配備4千平方呎水療, 2千5百平方呎高爾夫購物店, 會議及獨一無二的VIP娛樂套房設施。 會所還將設有由怡柱集團經營高級餐廳。

哈蒙在其教練生涯中曾指導多位世界第一的球手, 更獲投票選為年度最佳的高爾夫球教練。 哈樂斯也承諾與澳門高爾夫球總會合作, 為17歲以下有潛質的澳門青少年, 免費提供高爾夫球訓練場地。

哈樂斯娛樂公司2007年9月, 以170億澳門元購入澳門東方高爾夫球度假村。

Monday, December 8, 2008

2008 Macau Galaxy Entertainment International Marathon 澳門銀河娛樂國際馬拉松2008 (澳门银河娱乐国际马拉松2008)

Pic Source : ip's2006 - ecpz
Winner of this year Men's Marathon - Yemane Tsegay Adhane from Ethiopia

Winner of this year Women's Marathon - Yuan Lili from China

The annual International Marathon has taken place in Macau for the past 26 years. This year, the internatinonal marathon has attracted many local and established international long distance runners from 47 different countries and regions.

Time: 6:00 a.m.
Start/Finish Point: Macau Stadium, Taipa
A total of 580 runners participates in the Marathon and 1171 runners registered in this year half Marathon.

18 athletes for the men's marathon were invited to participate this year, namely Hu Kajiun from China, Ri Kum Song and Ryo Pong Hyok from North Korea, António Sousa and Vasco Azevedo from Portugal, Joseph Kadon Epetet from Kenya, Mykhail Iveruk from the Ukrain, Yemane Tsegay Adhane from Ethiopia, Philip Bandawe from Zimbabwe and Lok Wai Kin from Macau.

Organisers invited Xu Yuzong from China, Jong Yong Ok e Kim Kum Ok from North Korea, Abeba Tola Eda from Ethiopia, Edyta Lewandoska from Poland, Natalya Volgina from Russia, Kristijna Loonen from the Netherlands and Leong Lai Heong from Macau in the women's category.

Yemane Tsegay Adhane from Ethiopia, won this year's Marathon and finishing the race in a record time of 2:15:06. He took home a total of 3 prizes for winning the marathon, breaking the record and a bonus prize, all were valued up to US$23,000 dollar. China's Yuan Lili finished the race first with a time of 2:36:40. She was also awarded a bonus prize, all of which she took home $US18,000 dollar.

2008澳門國際馬拉松將於12月7日星期日舉行, 已錄得有來自47個國家地區約3千人報名。 參賽者包括過去曾參與這賽事的多位名列前茅的跑手以及十八名特邀長跑好手。 包括男子組冠軍朝鮮的李錦星及2005年女子冠軍俄羅斯的域芝娜, 本屆賽事的起點設在澳門運動場, 參賽者將途經東亞運大馬路等地經過西灣大橋往澳門半島後, 折返澳門運動場。 賽事在12月7日早上6時舉行, 路線沿途及澳門運動場內屆時會有表演節目。

澳門國際馬拉松賽在12月7日清晨六時舉行, 氣溫約攝氏13度。 來自40幾個國家和地區的三千多名參賽者經過西灣大橋, 橫跨澳門半島氹仔完成42點195公里的賽事。 有參賽者表示在寒冷天氣下感到肌肉僵硬, 容易抽筋, 影響水準發揮。但有運動員話未有受天氣的影響, 路線的難道亦不大。 賽事歷時大約5小時全部完成, 男子組冠軍由首次來澳的埃塞俄比亞選手艾咸打破大會紀錄2小時15分6秒獲勝, 艾咸同時憑此成績奪得賽事的特別獎金, 一人獨得三個獎項總獎金達二萬三千美元。 女子組由中國選手袁麗麗以2小時36分40秒奪冠, 並得到特別獎, 獲得一萬八千美元。

澳門國際馬拉松設有全程馬拉松(參加全程馬拉松報名人數為580人), 半程馬拉松(總報名人數為1171), 迷你馬拉松三項賽事。 特邀的男子運動員包括: 中國的胡開軍,朝鮮的李錦星、呂鳳革,葡萄牙的安東尼奧、阿斯華度,肯亞的阿柏迪,烏克蘭的艾偉樂,埃塞俄比亞的艾咸,津巴布韋的班德偉,澳門的陸偉堅。 女子運動員包括中國的許于宗,朝鮮的鄭英玉、金錦玉,埃塞俄比亞的伊達,波蘭的萊華當斯卡,俄羅斯的域芝娜,荷蘭的露妮,澳門的梁麗香。

Pic Source : ip's2006 - ecpz



Monday, December 1, 2008

Play Golf with Butch Harmon 與Butch Harmon共享高球樂 (与Butch Harmon共享高球乐)

Pic Source : Rolex

To celebrate the opening of the Butch Harmon School of Golf, his first academy in Asia, Butch Harmon will host a golf clinic in the morning followed by an 18 hole tournament.

Butch Harmon - voted No 1 in Golf Digest's biennial survey of America's 50 Greatest Teachers for four consecutive years. He has taught some of the world's best players, including World No 1 Tiger Woods, Phil Mickelson, Adam Scott, Ernie Els and Natalie Gulbis.

Sunday, 14 December 08
Orient Golf Macau

$50,000 Package Per Flight (group of 4) includes
• Official Welcome Breakfast and Lunch
• Exclusive Golf Clinic by Butch Harmon
• 18 Hole Tournament
• Exclusive Butch Harmon Invitational Golf Clinic Kit Bag
• Awards Presentation Dinner
• All green fees, caddy and golf equipment

Event Schedule
Arrival & Registration

8:00am - 9:00am
Continental Breakfast Buffet

9:00am - 10:30am
Butch Harmon Clinic

10:30am - 11:30am
Q&A with light lunch

11:30am - 11:45am
Group photo with Butch Harmon, tee-off ceremony by Butch Harmon

11:45am - 12:00pm
Staging & Announcement on play format (Texas scramble) with meeting Butch Harmon at Hole 16

Air Horn

12:00pm - 4:30pm
Tournament begins

4:30pm - 5:30pm

5:45pm - 8:00pm
Award Presentation Buffet Dinner

著名的高爾夫球教練, 首次在亞洲設立高球學校的Butch Harmon將來臨澳門出席12月14日在東方(澳門)高爾夫俱樂部舉行的「第一屆Butch Harmon邀請賽」。 Butch Harmo將n於開賽前主持2小時的高爾夫球指導班, 之後會在邀請賽中獻技, 為每一組打一個洞。

Butch Harmon曾與世界首席球手如Tiger Woods, Phil Mickelson, Adam Scott, Ernie Els及Natalie Gulbis合作。 並連續四屆在《Golf Digest》雜誌, 兩年一度的全美50大高爾夫球教練選舉中排名第一。

票價:個人 – $12,500 / 4位套票 – $50,000 (票價包括早餐和午餐, 18洞比賽, 賽事禮品, 頒奬晚宴, 場地/球僮租賃費用及Butch Harmon親筆簽名自傳《The Pro》)

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Sports & Art Show to celebrate the 9th Anniversary of Macau SAR 澳門將舉行慶祝特區成立九周年體藝大匯演 (澳门将举行庆祝特区成立九周年体艺大汇演)

A Sport and entertainment show is being prepared for the 9th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Macau SAR on the 20th December this month.

Artists from Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan including Hacken Lee, Sammi Cheng, Denise Ho, Joey Yung, Fahrenheit, Bosco Wong and Samtry Pang will perform at the Macau Stadium during the show. Olympic Gold Medalist Yang Wei, will show us how to exercise correctly in keeping with the theme 'Exercise Together'.

Time: 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Venue: Macau Stadium, Taipa
Admission: MOP$200 (MOP$50 for those with Macau ID card)

為慶祝澳門特區成立九周年, 澳門政府將舉辦“慶祝澳門特別行政區成立九周年 - 齊運動, 萬人體藝大匯演”。

大匯演將邀請來自海峽兩岸及港澳藝人參與演出, 李克勤、容祖兒、鄭秀文、何韻詩、飛輪海、黃宗澤及彭永琛等均參加演出。 同時為配合大匯演主題, 北京奧運會體操全能金牌獲得者楊威將帶領現場逾萬名觀眾一同做體操。

大匯演由澳門特區政府主辦、體育發展局承辦, 將于12月20日在澳門運動場舉行。

日期: 2008年12月20日
時間: 2:00 PM
地點: 澳門運動場(氹仔)
售票日期: 2008年11月30日
售票時間: 9:00:00 AM
售票地點: 澳門運動場售票處
票價: 澳門幣200元 (持有澳門合法居留權之證件者, 可以優惠價50元購買, 每位市民限量每次購買4張門票)
司儀: 林曉峰、吳君如
金牌運動員: 楊威
歌手: 李克勤、容祖兒、鄭秀文、何韻詩、飛輪海、黃宗澤、彭永琛

Friday, November 28, 2008

Macau Interantional Kart Grand Prix 2008 澳門國際格蘭披治小型賽車錦標賽 2008 (澳门国际格兰披治小型赛车锦标赛 2008)

About 200 karters from worldside, including 16 from Macau will tear up the 1.25km Coloane karting circuit from November 27 to 30 in this year 2008 Macau International Kart Grand Prix. Racers from 17 countries will take part in the 13 categories derived from 8 racing events during the 4 day competition. Admission is free.

The event this year will comprise the 2008 CIK-FIA Asia Pacific KF1, KF3 Championship and the Round 5 of the Asian Karting Open Championship (AKOC).

Some of the world class KF1 and KF3 racers are invited to compete in this year event. Racers include Marco Ardigo from Italy (came first in the 2008 CIK-FIA World Championship KF1), Carlos Sainz Jr. from Spain (came seventh in the 2008 CIK-FIA European Junior KF3 Championship). He is the son of double World Rally Champion Carols Sainz.

「澳門國際格蘭披治小型賽車錦標賽」將於11月27日至11月30日在路環小型賽車場舉行。 賽事期間將進行2008 CIK-FIA亞洲-太平洋錦標賽KF1與KF3賽(CIK-FIA Asia-Pacific KF1 & KF3 Championship), 以及2008年度亞洲小型賽車(卡丁車)公開錦標賽澳門站(Asian Karting Open Championship/AKOC)第五回合的多項比賽。 17個國家及地區, 約200名車手將參加今年「2008澳門國際格蘭披治小型賽車錦標賽」各項賽事。 今年將有16名澳門車手參賽。

主辦單位邀請了約50位世界級的小型賽車高手參加今年KF1及KF3賽事。 包括2008CIK-FIA世界盃KF1賽的冠亞季軍車手 - 例如意大利的亞迪高(Marco Ardigo)。 KF3賽事則有來自西班牙的小加路士山查(Carlos Sainz Jr), 他先後贏得多項歐洲少年小型賽車公開賽的錦標賽車高手。 小加路士山查父親更是世界拉力錦標賽(Rally World Championship)多項冠軍加路士山查(Carlos Sainz)。

賽事不設門票, 免費入場。


The Venetian Macau Tennis Showdown 2008 澳門威尼斯人網球爭霸戰2008 (澳门威尼斯人网球争霸战2008)


Some of the World best tennis players including the Bjorn Borg, John McEnroe, Roger Federer and James Blake, match-up at the Venetian Macau Tennis Showdown 2008 at Cotai Strip® Cotai Arena on November 20.

The 52 years old Bjorn Borg, played some impressive passing shots against the 49 year old John McEnroe, winning their one set clash 7-6.

World number two Roger Federer beated World number ten James Blake in the exhibition match scoring a 6-4, 6-4 win. He also beat Blake in a one set clash in Kuala Lumpur earlier this week. Federer is now heading into the winter break before he heads into the 2009 season. Federer said he will cut his exhibitions matches and focus on Slams in 2009.

Federer then teamed up with Borg to play against McEnroe and Blake, Federer and Borg took a 10:7 against McEnroe and Blake in this final match.

橫跨不同年代的4位男網冠軍費德勒, 布萊克, 麥肯羅及博格在澳門威尼斯人金光綜藝館舉行的網球盟主第2站賽事, 同場上演3幕角逐。 近一萬二千個座位幾乎全場爆滿。 費達拿今次已經是第2次到澳門進行表演賽, 仍吸引過萬名球迷入場。 4名巨星昨晚合演三場表演賽。

去年桑普拉斯和費德勒在亞洲的連場激戰引起了巨大的效應, 今年主辦方原本請來了納達爾和費德勒在吉隆坡和澳門進行表演賽, 但由於納達爾因傷缺席, 主辦方隻能臨時叫布雷克前來。

第一場比賽由52歲的博格對陣49歲的麥肯羅, 兩人在前12局各自的發球局裡都沒有讓對手取得破發, 在比賽進入打到決勝盤的搶7, 博格率先破掉發球分一路取得5-0的大比分領先, 麥肯羅最終以2-7落敗。 博格在今次表演賽以7:6戰勝麥肯羅。

第二場比賽由瑞士球王費德勒對陣布雷克, 費德勒狀態不錯, 他在第3局率先破掉布雷克的發球局。 但隨后的幾局各自保住發球局。 費德勒與比歷克合演一場高水平的比賽, 最終由費達拿以6:4及6:4擊敗比歷克, 憑借出色發揮2:0擊敗布萊克。 這是費德勒繼本周早些時候在吉隆坡之后, 一周內第二次戰勝比歷克。

最後1場雙打賽事, 麥肯羅與布萊克則以10:7勝費德勒與博格。

費達拿經理人公司宣佈, 費達拿明年肯定不會第3度訪澳門, 但這項網球爭霸戰仍會選址在威尼斯人。 明年將會有新面孔, 世界頭1、2位的球手是考慮之列。 希望每年都為球迷帶來特別的場面。 澳門表演賽是費達拿今年最後一個表演賽。 明年一月與西班牙「一哥」拿度、梅利、迪維丹高及巴拉克在中東表演後, 他將會減少表演賽數量。


Friday, November 21, 2008

Keisuke Kunimoto takes victory in Windsor Arch Formula 3 Macau Grand Prix 第55屆澳門格蘭披治大賽車三級方程式賽車冠軍 - 國本京佑 (第55届澳门格兰披治大赛车叁级方程式赛车冠军 - 国本京佑)

Pic Source : Getty Images/AFP
Keisuke Kunimoto



Edoardo Mortara of Italy (L), Japanese Formula Three champion Keisuke Kunimoto (C) and Brendon Hartley of New Zealand (R)


Keisuke Kunimoto, won with a time of 41:01.864, took the victory this year in the Windsor Arch Formula 3 Macau Grand Prix. He dominated the race from start to finish and become the only the second Japanese driver to win the Macau Grand Prix. This is also the second title in succession for the Tom's Toyota team.

Keisuke Kunimoto made a very good start from second place on the grid. He is able to jump pole sitter Mortara. Unfortunately Mortara had locked up under braking at the Lisboa bend on lap 4, and hit the wall in the hill section which cause slightly damaged of his car at lap 10. At the end, Mortara eventually finished 1.7 seconds behind Keisuke Kunimoto.

Brendon Hartley finished third, having picked his way through the field from 20th. He was benefited from a number of incidents in the race that moved him up the field.

"This is the first time for me in Macau and I can't believe this result. I think my team is the best in all of the world and that's why I can get the centre of the podium." said Keisuke Kunimoto.


排第2位出賽的國本京佑, 起跑較杆位發車的莫他拿(Edoardo Mortara)出色, 國本京佑在第1圈葡京彎前超越選拔賽首名意大利車手莫他拿之後一直領先, 雖然比賽曾2度出動安全車, 但無阻國本京佑領先位置, 結果他以1.71秒之微力壓排頭位出賽的莫他拿奪得冠軍。 國本京佑效力的TOM’S車隊, 更連續兩年在澳門格蘭披治大賽車三級方程式賽獲勝。 莫他拿奪得亞軍, 但是他在第四圈於葡京彎制動時鎖死了輪胎, 讓金保斯-侯爾(Daniel Campos-Hull)和阿古雅舒亞利(Jamie Alguersuari)得以超前。 莫他拿在第十圈重開再次出錯, 他在山上的路段撞牆, 戰車輕微損毀。 雖然莫他拿再次追上國本京佑, 卻未能再進一步威脅對手最後屈居亞軍。 新西蘭車手赫利因為場上的連串事故而得益, 奪得第3名。

Position / Driver / Team / Time / Gap
1. Keisuke Kunimoto - TOM'S - D/T (41:01.864)
2. Edoardo Mortara - Signature - D/V (+1.710)
3. Brendon Hartley - Carlin - D/M (+4.006)
4. Mika Maki - Signature - D/M (+8.442)
5. Renger van der Zande - Prema - D/M (+10.276)
6. Laurens Vanthoor - RC - D/V (+12.975)
7. Oliver Turvey - Carlin - D/M (+13.134)
8. Walter Grubmuller - Hitech - D/M (+14.695)
9. Jules Bianchi - ART - D/M (+18.725)
10. Jaime Alguersuari - Carlin - D/M (+20.801)
11. Jon Lancaster - Manor - D/M (+20.898)
12. James Jakes - ART - D/M (+21.418)
13. Franky Cheng - Signature - D/V (+22.404)
14. Max Chilton - Hitech - D/M (+22.604)
15. Kei Cozzolino - Now - D/T (+23.270)
16. Kazuya Oshima - Manor - D/M (+23.930)
17. Daniel Campos-Hull - HBR - D/M (+24.997)
18. Atte Mustonen - Double R - D/M (+33.744)
19. Nicola de Marco - RC - D/V (+46.527)
20. Michael Ho - Double R - D/M (+51.739)

Stefano Coletti - Prema - D/M (11 laps)
Basil Shaaban - HBR - D/M (10 laps)
Carlo van Dam - TOM'S - D/T (7 laps)
Roberto Merhi - Hitech - D/M (6 laps)
Massaki Matsushita - PTRS/Ombra - D/H (6 laps)
James Winslow - Ombra - D/H (5 laps)
Koki Saga - Le Beausset - D/T (2 laps)
Marcus Ericsson - Carlin - D/M (0 laps)
Roberto Streit - Double R - D/M (0 laps)
Sam Bird - Manor - D/M (0 laps)

Windsor Arch 55th Macau Grand Prix 第55屆澳門格蘭披治大賽車 (第55届澳门格兰披治大赛车)

55th Macau Grand Prix


City of Dreams Macau GP 2008 FIA World Touring Car Championship races - with Matthew Marsh

13rd Nov
The Italian Edoardo Mortara secured the provisional pole position for the Windsor Arch F3 Macau Grand Prix. He had been fastest in the morning practice first qualifying session. But his car was damaged because he could not avoid hitting the stranded car of Masaki Matsushita. Mortara could not hide his frustration at the incident and said he was really disappointing. Japanese F3 champion Carlo van Dam was the second fastest. Roberto Streit, from Raikkonen Robertson Racing set the third best time.

The 35 year old British roadracer Michael Rutter, claiming provisional pole in the first qualifying around at the Macau Motorcycle Grand Prix.

BMW’s Augusto Farfus topped the times during the pre-event testing session for the FIA World Touring Car Championship title. He set the fastest time on his final lap, and posted a time of 2min 33.624sec.

14th Nov
The 22 year old Manx road racer Conor Cummins from the Team of Paris AIM Racing Yamaha 1000, grabbed pole position for the 42nd running of the Macau Motorcycle Grand Prix. Michael Rutter came second fastest on the Discover Ireland NW200 Ducati 1200. He is just under half a second slower than his rival. Australian Cameron Donald from Relentless Suzuki by TAS was third fastest.

The BMW driver Augusto Farfus followed up his fastest time from Thursday’s test session for the final round of the FIA World Touring Car Championship. His teammate Jorg Muller came with the 2nd fastest, who had been fastest in the early stages of the session. Alan Menu ranked third after Augusto Farfus and Jorg Muller.

The Signature Plus driver Edoardo Mortara maintained his position in the Windsor Arch Formula 3 Macau Grand Prix, he has been quickest in every session so far. His closest rival was TOM’S driver Carlo van Dam, who ended the session just 0.117 seconds behind. Italian Kei Cozzolino was 3rd fastest for the Now Motor Sports team.

Chevrolet’s Alain Menu secured pole position in the FIA World Touring Car Championship. He posted a stunning time of 2min 30.285secs in this race. “As for Sunday's race, I will try everything to win it like last year.”, said Alain Menu.

15th Nov
Team Jebsen driver Darryl O’Young securing pole position in his Porsche 997 GT3 for the Windsor Arch Macau GT Cup. With an impressive time of 2:27.110, he was more than 2 seconds faster than Briton Danny Watts who is also in a Porsche 997 GT3. Japanese Keita Sawa came third in his Lamborghini Gallardo GT3. Macanese driver Rodolfo Avila in a Ferrari F430 GT3 qualified fourth in this race. “I think I can fight for third place and I think that I can get a podium for Macau.” Rodolfo Avila said.

The Signature Plus driver Edoardo Mortara will start on pole position after winning today qualification race in the Windsor Arch Formula 3 Macau Grand Prix. He opened up a gap of more than 2 seconds between his rival Keisuke Kunimoto. The 3rd position went to Roberto Streit.

Macanese racer Chou Keng Kuan won the Hotel Fortuna MAC/HKG Interport 10 laps Race who drove a Honda Integra DC5. He led the race from start to finish. Second place also went to Honda Integra DC5 driver Filipe de Souza, who set a personal fastest lap of 2:49.934 seconds. Another Macanese racer Cielo Alves Diaz came third, with another Honda Integra DC5.

Local racer Sun Tit Fan took a victory in the Windsor Arch Macau Road Sport Challenge 10 laps Race, who drive a Mitsubishi EVO 9 and build up a 1:01.336 gap ahead to his rival Macanese driver Lei Chong Seng. Lei Chong Seng is also the Class B category winner in this race. Hong Kong driver Lam Wai Hung in a Nissan Skyline GTR-R34 went third. Macanese driver Lam Kam San, in his Honda S2000 won the Class C trophy in the race.

During the CTM Macau Touring Car 12 laps Race, Honda Integra DC5s dominated again this year at the race. Local driver Chan Man Fong, who finished fifth in last years’ CTM Cup, took the win in a time of 49:54.091. Eurico De Jesus was disqualified for his second position, and replacing local driver Mak Ka Lok to take the second position. Experienced veteran Hong Kong racer and team principal Lo Hung Pui, who wasn't able to finish the CTM Cup last year, finished third this year with a time of 50:04.264.

25 year old Scottish racer Stuart Easton, took his first ever Macau Motorcycle Grand Prix victory today on the Discover Ireland NW200 Ducati 1200. This ends six times winner Michael Rutter who aim to achieve a record-breaking seventh success by a 2.7 second margin. Australian Cameron Donald was forced to stop on lap five with a mechanical problem. John McGuinness on the Ventaxia UK Honda took the third position, he was almost 30 seconds behind Rutter.

16th Nov
Team Jebsen’s Darryl O’Young from Hong Kong won the inaugural Windsor Arch Macau GT Cup today, who dominated the race from the start and has now won at Macau three times. Briton Danny Watts who is also in a Porsche 997 GT3 finish second. Japanese Keita Sawa came third in his Lamborghini Gallardo GT3. But Rodolfo Avila of Macau was forced to retire mid way because of the mechanical problems mid-way through the 10-lap race.

Alain Menu claimed an overall victory for Chevrolet and win the title for the FIA World Touring Car Championship races. Alain Menu took a 14-points advantage over SEAT teammate Gabriele Tarquini. He secures the championship even through he just finish in 3rd place at the race today. Andy Priaulx finishing 0.523 seconds ahead of Rob Huff and finish in 2nd place.

Rob Huff delivered another victory for Chevrolet in the second FIA World Touring Car Championship race today, Newly crowned WTCC champion Yvan Muller finish second, ahead of outgoing champion Andy Priaulx who finish third.

第55屆澳門格蘭披治大賽車11月13日揭幕, 250多位來自全球最優秀的車手來自歐洲, 南美, 北歐, 中東, 亞洲和太平洋地區將再次雲集澳門, 一連4天比賽決定誰是當今最出色三級方程式車手。 參與各項賽事大部分戰車已於11月12日運抵賽車中心, 車隊正忙於組裝戰車准備練習賽及排位賽。 希望爭奪有利的出賽排位。

首次練習賽早上7時半開始, 上午安排不計時練習格蘭披治電單車大賽練習, 財神酒店港澳埠際賽練習, 首辦的澳門路車挑戰賽練習, 三級方程式練習和澳門電訊房車賽練習讓車手熟識賽道。 下午安排大賽車的三大重頭戲格電排位賽, 三級方程式排位賽和世界房車賽的試跑。

在三級方程式大賽排位賽中暫時排首位, 效力Signature Plus車隊的意大利車手莫他拿(Edoardo Mortara)說自己的成績較預期好, 相當滿意。 Edoardo Mortara在第一節排位賽跑出最快時間, 暫時獲得杆位。 他在最後一圈造出2分14.333秒的最佳圈速。 可惜他在這節排位賽最後階段遇到麻煩, 撞向一位對手並導致戰車損壞。 日本三級方程式錦標賽冠軍得主雲丹姆(Carlo van Dam)獲得第二名。 效力Raikkonen-Robertson Racing車隊的史積特(Robert Streit)排第三位。 同場唯一的澳門車手何漢強, 首日就只排第27名。

35歲英國電單車公路賽高手路達(Michael Rutter), 在格蘭披治電單車大賽排位賽第一節排位賽, 以2分28.156秒獲得第一名。

在國際汽聯世界房車錦標賽試跑賽, 寶馬車手法夫斯(Augusto Farfus)在這個環節造出最快時間, 他在最後一圈跑出全場最快圈速。

駕駛Team of Paris AIM Racing車隊躍馬1000電單車上場的22歲公路賽車手金明斯(Conor Cummins)今天刷新圈速紀錄, 勇奪第四十二屆澳門格蘭披治電單車大賽杆位。 他在這節排位賽比較星期四的首節排位賽快了4秒。 現年35歲, 以Discover Ireland NW200車隊Ducati 1200戰馬上陣的六屆澳門冠軍得主路達(Michael Rutter)排第二位。 路達(Michael Rutter)希望爭取破紀錄第七次勝出澳門格蘭披治電單車大賽。 澳洲車手當奴(Cameron Donald), 只落後路達(Michael Rutter)百分五秒獲得第三名。

在國際汽聯世界房車錦標賽壓軸大戰, 寶馬車手法夫斯(Augusto Farfus)繼於星期四的試跑造出最快圈速後, 今天再次在今天的最後一次練習跑出全場速度最快的車手。但是他的戰車在練習進行至一半的時候於葡京彎擦過圍欄曾擦過圍牆。 他的隊友約克‧梅拿(Jorg Muller)在這段時間晉升第一位, 可是法夫斯(Augusto Farfus)在練習將要結束時, 跑出更快的圈速成功重奪成績表第一位。 梅拿(Jorg Muller)及法夫斯(Augusto Farfus)先後在比賽最後階段跑出最快圈速, 兩位寶馬車手造出的時間只相差0.234秒。 雪佛蘭車手文奴(Alain Menu), 屈居梅拿之後排第三位。

效力Signature Plus車隊的莫他拿(Edoardo Mortara)領先其他車手, 繼續在練習環節跑出最快時間。 最接近莫他拿的車手是TOM’S車隊的雲丹姆(Carlo van Dam), 落後對手0.117秒。 Now Motor Sports車隊的意大利車手哥素連奴(Kei Cozzolino)跑出第三快的時間。

效力雪佛蘭車隊的文奴(Alain Menu), 勇奪國際汽聯世界房車Canon錦標賽收官大戰杆位。

捷成車隊車手歐陽若曦在新增的「名門世家」澳門GT盃練習環節中, 駕駛保時捷997 GT3 Cup跑車跑出最快時間, 圈速為2分30.212秒。 來自澳門的艾明達(Rodolfo Avila)駕駛法拉利F430 GT3以第六名完成練習。

駕駛保時捷997 GT3盃跑車捷成車隊的歐陽若曦, 在比賽初段便跑出最佳圈速。他將獲得明天舉行的「名門世家」澳門GT盃的杆位。 歐陽若曦跑出2分27.110秒, 快同樣以保時捷997 GT3 Cup跑車參賽第二位英國車手屈斯(Danny Watts)超過兩秒。 駕駛林寶堅尼Gallardo GT3參賽日本車手澤圭太獲第三名。 澳門車手艾明達(Rodolfo Avila), 以法拉利F430 GT3出戰排第四位。 他補充道:「我想我有能力爭奪第三名,代表澳門登上頒獎台。」

駕駛本田Integra DC5參賽的澳門車手曹勁均, 憑著完美無瑕的起跑連續第二年勇奪財神酒店澳門/香港埠際賽冠軍。 同樣以本田Integra DC5出賽的老將蘇沙排第6位發車, 獲得第二名。 另一名澳門車手迪亞士也是以本田Integra DC5上陣獲得季軍, 將澳門車手包辦這場埠際賽的三甲。

駕駛三菱EVO 9出賽的澳門車手孫鐵勳在「名門世家」澳門路車錦標賽, 他以1分01.336大勝對手。 杆位發車的澳門車手李松勝獲得第二名。 香港車手林偉鴻駕駛日產Skyline GTR-R34參戰換來一席季軍。 駕駛本田S2000上場的澳門車手林錦新, 獲得C組第一名。

本田Integra DC5s今年再次在澳門電訊房車賽包辦頒獎台的三個席位。 澳門車手陳文峰以49分54.091秒勝出賽事。 原先第二名完事的積薩斯(Eurico De Jesus)被取消資格, 澳門車手麥家樂升上第二名。 盧洪彪以50分04.264秒完成賽事奪得第三名。

Signature Plus車手莫他拿(Edoardo Mortara)勝出「名門世家」澳門格蘭披治大賽車選拔賽, 他將在決賽杆位發車。 莫他拿以超過1秒擊敗對手國本京佑率先衝過終點。 串成車龍的史積特(Robert Streit)獲得第3名。

現年25歲, 蘇格蘭車手伊斯頓(Stuart Easton)首次勝出澳門格蘭披治電單車大賽。 伊斯頓(Stuart Easton)阻止六屆冠軍, 代表Discover Ireland NW200車隊以Ducati 1200電單車出賽的路達(Michael Rutter)破紀錄第七次奪標。 伊斯頓(Stuart Easton)以2.7秒擊敗路達(Michael Rutter)。 澳洲車手當奴(Cameron Donald)在比賽首圈從路達手上搶走領跑地位, 但是他在第五圈遇到機件故障被逼退出比賽。 駕駛Ventaxia UK車隊, 本田戰馬上場的麥堅尼斯(John McGuinness)落後路達30秒獲得第3名。 英國車手積杰斯(James Jakes)在賽事開始時與赫利(Brendon Harley)發生碰撞, 積杰斯(James Jakes)的賽車停在賽道旁邊, 大會發出安全車以便清理賽道。 杆位發車的雲丹姆(Carlo van Dam)在首圈通過文華東方彎時擦過圍牆導致爆胎, 第一圈便退出比賽。

捷成車隊的歐陽若曦, 駕駛保時捷997 GT3 Cup上陣, 以節節領先姿態勝出首次舉行的「名門世家」澳門GT盃。 歐陽若曦是第三次在澳門獲勝。 同樣駕駛保時捷997 GT3 Cup跑車參賽英國車手屈斯(Danny Watts)獲第二名。 日本車手澤圭太, 以他的林寶堅尼Gallardo GT3獲得季軍。 澳門車手艾明達在十圈比賽中不幸遇到機件故障被逼退出比賽。

文奴(Alain Menu)勝出今場國際汽聯世界房車錦標。 而全場焦點梅拿(Yvan Muller), 在今天國際汽聯世界房車錦標賽獲得第三名, 順利登上國際汽聯世界房車錦標賽總冠軍寶座。 他在這場比賽只要不被對手拋離便可贏得總冠軍殊榮, 因為他賽前領先SEAT車隊隊友泰基尼(Gabriele Tarquini)14分。 派奧(Andy Priaulx)在第二圈於葡京彎及加思欄馬路彎成功抵擋雪佛蘭車隊的侯夫(Rob Huff), 最後以0.523秒屈居亞軍。

侯夫(Rob Huff)為雪佛蘭車隊勝出國際汽聯世界房車錦標賽澳門站第二回合, 剛上任的國際汽聯世界房車錦標賽總冠軍車手伊雲‧梅拿(Yvan Muller)獲得亞軍, 剛卸任的世界冠軍派奧(Andy Priaulx)獲第三名。

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

First Macau GT Race - Macau GT Cup 澳門GT盃大賽 (澳门GT盃大赛)

The first year of Macau GT Cup - this year the Supercar Club Hong Kong will strongly support the race event.

The majority of race drivers from the Asia Supercar Challenge series plus more than 10 drivers from other international race series have been invited to compete in this event.

Many different GT3 race cars competing including Lamborghini Gallardo GT3, Ferrari 430 GT3, 430 Challenge, and 360, Lotus Elise GT3, Aston Martin N24 GT4, and Porsche 996, 997 GT3, and two limited production 997 GT3 Cup S. The race will be held on Nov 16th Sunday.

澳門將會舉辦首次GT大賽, 新賽事命名為Macau GT Cup - 澳門GT盃大賽。 香港超級跑車會Supercar Club Hong Kong將全力協辦及支持。

亞洲超級跑車挑戰賽Asia Supercar Challenge 2008(ASCC)大部份車手將聯同十多名國際級好手被邀請參加澳門GT盃大賽。 澳門GT盃大賽將於11月16日星期日於澳門東望洋跑道舉行。

參加車包括最新型號之GT3賽車 - 包括林寶堅尼Gallardo GT3, Ferrari法拉利430 GT3, 430 Challenge及360賽車, 蓮花GT3, 亞士頓馬田N24 GT4, 而保時捷將會有996, 997GT3及兩台997GT3S(2008年全世界生產25輛)。 兩台美國7000cc Chevrolet Corvette C6 Z06 GT3.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

The 55th Macau Grand Prix Provisional Entry List 第55屆澳門格蘭披治大賽車參賽名單 (第55届澳门格兰披治大赛车参赛名单)

Entry List:
Windsor Arch Formula 3 Macau Grand Prix Provisional Entry List
FIA WTCC Canon–Guia Race of Macau (Presented by SJM, S.A.) Provisional Entry List
The 42nd Macau Motorcycle Grand Prix Provisional Entry List
"Windsor Arch" Macau GT Cup Grand Prix Provisional Entry List
"Windsor Arch" Macau Road Sport Challenge Grand Prix Provisional Entry List
CTM Macau Touring Car Race Grand Prix Provisional Entry List
Hotel Fortuna MAC/HKG Interport Race Grand Prix Provisional Entry List
Formula BMW Pacific Grand Prix Provisional Entry List


Monday, October 27, 2008

Macau Golf Open 2008 澳門2008高爾夫球公開賽 (澳门2008高尔夫球公开赛)

The Macau Open was kicked off its 11th edition on 23rd October at the Macau Golf & Country Club, at the Westin Resort Macau. The prize fund will be boosted to US$500,000 this year.

30 years old Australian David Gleeson wins this year 2008 Macau Golf Open, with a final-round 69. This ends his six-year title drought. He walked away with the top prize of $US79250 and rises to 21st spot on the Asian Tour's Order of Merit. He has led the tournament from start to finish.

"I told my caddie at the start of the tournament that I wanted to win this week by as many shots as possible. I also told myself that if I don't go for it, I won't have a chance so I'm happy that I went for it this week," David Gleeson said.

David Gleeson won the 2002 Volvo China Open previously.

Second place claim to Taiwanese Lin Wen-tang, who won the Asian Tour International this year, was pleased with his runners up performance. He produced a 66 while Kao Bo Song was even-par and finished in lone third spot. Filipino Mars Pucay, with England's Yasin Ali in joint fourth spot together.

"I have one win and two runners-up finishes now. This is shaping up to be a very good season for me. I am very pleased." said Lin, the runner up of this year Macau Open.

The Asia tour will move to the Iskandar Johor Open, Malaysia on October 30 after completing the Macau stop.

在今年的澳門公開賽, 來自澳洲的選手David Gleeson從第一輪領先到最後一輪, 贏得了澳門公開賽以及贏走了冠軍獎金79,250美元。 10月23日開賽的2008澳門公開賽, 一連四天在澳門高爾夫鄉村俱樂部舉行, 總獎金今年已提升為50萬美元。 今年公開賽共有來自25個國家地區、134名球手參加。

David Gleeson周末連續打出第2輪69桿, 低于標准桿2桿。 他以266桿,低于標准桿18桿奪取了今年的澳門公開賽冠軍。 成績打破了澳門公開賽的最低桿數紀錄。 另外一位來自美國選手Jason Knutzon還打出268桿, 創造了賽事紀錄。 中國台北選手林文堂打出了66桿, 落後3桿獲得了亞軍。 另外一位中國台北選手高柏松當天打出平標准桿, 獲得單獨第3名。 菲律賓選手Mars Pucay與英格蘭選手Yasin Ali一起位于並列第四位。

Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Venetian Macau Masters Football Cup 澳門威尼斯人足球大師杯賽 (澳门威尼斯人足球大师杯赛)


The tour will feature the Masters teams from Manchester United, Arsenal, Liverpool and an All-Star EPL Team. Each team will feature ex-professional players.

Date : Friday 5 December

Venue : Venetian Arena

Ticket Price : MOP$980, MOP$580, MOP$250

日期 : 11月14日星期五

地點 : 威尼斯人綜合館

價格 : 澳門幣$980, $580 and $250

Sunday, October 19, 2008

James Blake to join Venetian Tennis Showdown 網球巨星比歷克將會參加澳門威尼斯人網球爭霸戰2008 (网球巨星比历克将会参加澳门威尼斯人网球争霸战2008)

Three players have confirmed at this year Venetian Tennis exhibition match - Bjorn Borg, John McEnroe and Roger Federer.

With the USA lost to Spain at the Davis Cup semi-final last month, it is now confirmed that James Blake will make the trip to Macau to this year Venetian Tennis Showdown, which scheduled to take place on November 20. Borg and Federer will take on John McEnroe and James Blake in a doubles match at The Venetian Macau Tennis Showdown 2008.

澳門威尼斯人度假村將於2008年11月20日舉行世紀觸目的第二屆網球爭霸戰, 第四位出席參賽者 - 美國球星布雷克將會出戰爭霸戰。 四位參加的網球巨星包括:世界第一的費達拿, 美國的比歷克, 以及兩位八十年代巨星麥根萊和波格。

重頭戲將由費達拿對陣布雷克的三盤二勝制大戰。 在混合雙打的十分決勝局, 費達拿將會伙拍波格, 對陣麥根萊伙拍比歷克。

主辦單位澳門威尼斯人會將球員的球衣及球拍在網上進行拍賣, 善款將會用作慈善作途。

Pic Source : CNN Sport

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

2008 Macau Open Badminton Championships 2008年澳門羽毛球公開賽 (2008年澳门羽毛球公开赛)

This year the 2008 Macau Open Badminton Championships was held at Tap Seac Multisport Pavilion starting from 29th September to 8th October. The event was already been organizing since 2006.

With all the world's top and finest players, this year the World Grand Prix event is sanctioned by the Badminton World Federation (BWF), which carries a total prize money of US$120,000.

The men's singles title was won by Indonesia's Taufik Hidayat against Beijing Olympic Runner-up, Malaysia's Chong Wei Lee 21-19, 21-15 within 38 minutes.

Malaysian pair men's doubles Kien Keat Koo and Boon Heong Tan beat Chinese Taipei's Chieh Min Fang and Sheng Mu Lee 21-16, 21-18 within 31 minutes in the men's double title.

The women's singles title was fought and won by Hong Kong's Zhou Mi against Malaysia's Julia Pei Xian Wong 21-13, 21-19 within 36 minutes.

The women's doubles saw both Chinese team members, with Cheng Shu and Zhao Yuniei beat Ma Jin and Wang Xiaoli 21-15, 21-18 in a 31-minute final match.

Xu Chen and Zhao Yuniei from Mainland China beating Hong Kong opponents Yohan Hadikusumo Wiratama and Chau Hoi Wah 21-15, 21-16 with a match duration of 31 minutes and won the mixed doubles.


今年公開賽有來自18個國家和地區200多名男女運動員, 參加了總獎金12萬美元的澳門羽毛球公開賽五項賽事角逐。 澳門羽毛球公開錦標賽是世界羽聯四星級賽事。

印度尼西亞選手, 2006年多哈亞運會羽毛球男子單打冠軍陶菲克, 以2:0擊敗北京奧運會男單亞軍、馬來西亞的李宗偉, 贏得冠軍。

上屆澳門羽毛球公開錦標賽男子雙打冠軍, 馬來西亞的古健傑/陳文宏也以2:0戰勝中華臺北的方介民/李勝木組合奪得冠軍。

香港選手周蜜在女子單打決賽中以2比0擊敗馬來西亞選手黃佩賢, 獲得冠軍。

中國小將組合徐晨/趙蕓蕾以2:0戰勝中國香港組合魏仁君/周凱華, 贏得混雙冠軍。

中國女雙組合實現了在國際公開賽上三連冠, 成淑/趙蕓蕾在決賽中以2:0擊敗隊友馬晉/王曉理。

Pic Source : and taken by atang_badm

Taufik Hidayat

Chong Wei Lee

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Chinese Olympic medalists to visit Macau 中國奧運金牌運動員月底訪澳門 (中国奥运金牌运动员月底访澳门)

China's Olympic gold medalists are to visit Macau from 31st August to 2nd September for a three-day visit to meet their fans and show off their athletic prowess here in Macau. Tickets will be available for free (only available to those with Macau ID card holders) and each person can get up to two tickets to the evening party held on the 1st September. Three thousands admission tickets will be given away.

The Chinese gold medalists attracted over two hundred spectators packed the Outer Harbour Terminal when they arrived Macau on 31st August. The ferry was supposed to have arrived in Macau at 18:00 pm and it ended up being delayed until 19:30 pm. The Sports Development Board also organised few hundred local students and arranged a wind band to greet the gold medalists with triumphant music at the sides along the exits.

The 93 strong delegation, including 63 gold medalists from diving Guo Jingjing, badminton player Lin Dan, and gymnast Li Xiaopeng will visit Macau and provide a chance for people in Macau to see the athletes up close. The delegation will make a tour and meet with local youth while they stay in Macau. They will meet the local young athletes and students at Macau Forum on the 1st September at 10:40am, followed by visiting the Ruins of St Paul's to take photos and sight-see Macau's World Heritage before lunch. 11 Chinese Olympic gold medalists shared their success stories with local students in Macau. At least 2,500 students from 80 local schools in Macau were invited, to have a direct conversation with the gold medalists at the Macau Forum on 1st September. The students are interested and ask questions about the athletes method of overcome nerves, what elements drove the athletes to persist with their training to the end, what feelings they had after receiving their gold medal. The three-day visit will feature an evening party at Macau Dome at 19.30 pm on the same day, before leaving Macau and returning to mainland China in the morning on the 2nd September.

The evening party features stage performances, games and interactive opportunities between audience and the athletes. Olympics Chinese gold medalists, coaches will receive MOP$10.6m from the Macau Government as their reward.

中國奧運金牌健兒將在北京奧運結束後, 8月31至9月2日訪問澳門,他們屆時將參觀澳門的旅遊景點, 出席在澳門的兩個公開活動, 其中一項活動會安排運動員與澳門青年交流 - 11名運動員將前往綜藝館與2500名澳門學生分享運動員訓練生涯及心得。 另一項活動為9月1日晚上七時半在澳門東亞運動會體育館(澳門蛋)進行由澳門政府主辦的"澳門與奧運同行——為中國喝彩, 中國金牌運動員訪澳大型聯歡晚會”文藝晚會, 晚會特別安排金牌運動員與現場觀眾互動, 讓澳門市民有機會近距離欣賞金牌運動員。 文藝晚會演出藝人包括黃征、龐龍、滿江、毛寧、那英、沙寶亮、孫悅、愛戴、劉歡、張也、林依輪、花兒樂隊、韋唯。

運動員代表團一行九十三人, 包括北京奧運會十七個項目的六十三名金牌運動員郭晶晶、張寧、林丹、楊威、李小鵬、程菲、王皓、張怡寧、杜麗等, 將隨團到達澳門。

1. 陳燮霞 - 女子舉重48公斤級
2. 龐偉 - 男子10米氣手槍射擊
3. 郭文珺 - 女子10米氣手槍射擊
4. 郭晶晶、吳敏霞 - 女子雙人3米彈板跳水
5. 冼東妹 - 女子柔道52公斤級
6. 龍清泉 - 男子56公斤級舉重
7. 林躍、火亮 - 男子10米雙人高台跳水
8. 陳艷青 - 女子58公斤級舉重
9. 張湘祥 - 男子62公斤級舉重
10. 楊威、李小鵬等 - 男子體操團體決賽
11. 王鑫、陳若琳 - 女子雙人10米高台跳水
12. 仲滿 - 男子佩劍
13. 廖輝 - 男子69公斤級舉重
14. 程菲、何可欣等 - 女子體操團體
15. 陳穎 - 女子25米運動手槍
16. 秦凱、王峰 - 男子雙人3米彈板跳水
17. 劉春紅 - 女子69公斤級舉重
18. 劉子歌 - 女子200米蝶泳
19. 杜麗 - 女子射擊步槍三姿
20. 楊威 - 男子個人全能體操
21. 張娟娟 - 女子個人射箭
22. 楊秀麗 - 女子柔道78公斤級
23. 曹磊 - 女子75公斤級舉重
24. 佟文 - 女子柔道78公斤以上級
25. 陸永 - 男子舉重85公斤級
26. 杜婧、于洋 - 羽毛球女雙
27. 張寧 - 羽球女單
28. 邱健 - 男子射擊步槍三姿
29. 唐賓、金紫薇等 - 女子四人雙槳划艇
30. 王嬌 - 女子自由式摔跤72公斤級
31. 鄒凱 - 男子自由體操
32. 肖欽 - 男子體操鞍馬
33. 王楠、張怡寧等 - 乒乓球女子團體
34. 林丹 - 羽毛球男單
35. 郭晶晶 - 女子3米彈板跳水
36. 陳一冰 - 體操男子吊環
37. 何可欣 - 體操女子高低槓
38. 何雯娜 - 女子蹦床
39. 馬琳、王皓等 - 乒乓球男子團體
40. 李小鵬 - 體操男子雙槓
41. 鄒凱 - 男子體操單槓
42. 陸春龍 - 男子蹦床
43. 何沖 - 男子3米彈板跳水
44. 殷劍 - 女子滑浪風帆
45. 吳靜鈺 - 女子49公斤級跆拳道
46. 陳若琳 - 女子10米高台跳水
47. 張怡寧 - 女子乒乓球單打
48. 孟關良、楊文軍 - 500米男子雙人划艇
49. 馬琳 - 男子乒乓球單打
50. 鄒巿明 - 男子48公斤級拳擊
51. 張小平 - 男子81公斤級拳擊

繼2004年雅典奧運會後金牌代表團訪問澳門後, 北京奧運大陸金牌運動員代表團8月31日傍晚抵達澳門, 代表團下午六時許由香港轉抵澳門。 開始對澳門進行為期三天的訪問和公開表演。 政府還特意安排450名澳門中學生手持區旗和國旗, 夾道歡迎金牌代表團的成員。 代表團隨即乘車前往東亞運體育館, 出席特區政府安排的歡迎儀式及晚宴。 澳門政府向代表團頒發了一千零六十萬澳門幣的獎金。 每名運動員將獲得15萬澳門元, 教練有7萬澳門元。

奧運金牌運動員代表團11名運動員代表9月1日上午出席與澳門青少年真情對話會, 上台與青年對話的運動員包括張怡寧、郭晶晶、李小鵬、楊威、鄒凱、龍清泉、何雯娜、杜麗、林丹、劉子歌、張娟娟等。 澳門50所大、中、小學的2500名學生踴躍發言, 對話內容集中在如何面對困難和壓力, 調整心態, 將壓力轉換成致勝的動力。 冠軍們坦誠的話語, 令同學們獲益匪淺。 運動員鼓勵學生要積極向上,克服生活中困難和挑戰,懷着勇氣超越自己。

“為中國喝採——與中國奧運金牌運動員”晚會於9月1日八時舉行, 舞台設計以蓮塘為主題, 金牌運動員亦即場表演。 63位金牌運動員乘著蓮葉造型的小台進入會場接受五千名嘉賓及觀衆熱烈歡迎。 內地當紅歌手演唱了多首以京奧及澳門為主題的歌曲, 劉歡亦即場與澳門一班小朋友合唱京奧主題曲 - 《我和你》。 男子體操隊六位隊員, 與內地歌手毛寧合唱一曲《紅旗飄飄》, 之後跳水隊金牌運動員郭晶晶、吳敏霞、王鑫、陳若琳及女子二百米蝶泳冠軍劉子歌合唱一曲。 乒乓球男、女子單打冠軍馬琳、張怡寧, 分別與澳門青少年運動員以及內地歌手組成混雙搭檔較量乒乓球。 羽毛球男、女子單打冠軍林丹及張寧, 分別與澳門青少年運動員及內地歌手組成混雙搭檔較量。 跆拳道49公斤級冠軍吳靜鈺則與兩名澳門小跆拳道運動員陪練, 吳靜鈺對兩名澳門小跆拳道運動員表演贊賞有加。 56公斤級舉重冠軍龍清泉, 則向一名70歲澳門長者傳授舉重秘訣,長者亦不負衆望舉起了看似“125公斤”重的假槓鈴。 晚會最後由63名運動員分成8組上台在畫軸上簽名, 現場抽奬送予現瑒觀衆。 最後在奧運冠軍運動員合唱《奧運冠軍》激昂樂聲中結束晚會。


Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Macau at the 2008 Summer Paralympics 澳門殘奧會代表殘疾人奧運會 (澳门残奥会代表残疾人奥运会)

Macau competed at the 2008 Summer Paralympics in Beijing, China. Macau was represented by two athletes was represented : Kuong Sio-leng in women's shotput and discus, and Ao Loi-si in men's 50m and 100m freestyle swimming.

2008殘疾人奧運會澳門代表團兩名運動員分別為區類斯(參加田徑和游泳項目), 和鄺小英(女)。 鄺小英曾擔任澳門奧運火炬手, 是第二次參加殘奧會。將在北京賽場上與對手比拼標槍,鉛球和鐵餅。

自1988年漢城殘奧會以來, 此次已是澳門第六次參加殘奧會。 澳門代表團共8人包括兩名運動員, 兩名教練及工作人員等。

Friday, August 1, 2008

Federer and Borg team up against McEnroe and either Nadal or Blake in Macau 費達拿, 麥根萊, 波格, 拿度或巴拉克將於十一月來澳門 (费达拿, 麦根莱, 波格, 拿度或巴拉克将於十一月来澳门)

Tennis champions Bjorn Borg and Roger Federer - each won five consecutive Wimbledon singles titles before, will face John McEnroe and either Rafael Nadal or James Blake (depends on who lose the Davis Cup semifinal between the U.S. and Spain in September and whoever lose will play in Macau) at the Venetian Macau Tennis Showdown on 20th November in a Tour of Champions event.

It will start with a one set match between Borg and McEnroe first, followed by a best of three sets between Federer and Nadal or Blake. Finally, Federer and Borg will team up and play against John McEnroe and either Rafael Nadal or James Blake in a 10-point doubles tie-break.

繼去年兩代球王森柏斯與費達拿的網球大戰, 費達拿再次蒞臨澳門, 於11月20日下午7時在澳門威尼斯人渡假村金光綜藝館與其他巨星包括兩位八十年代的巨星麥根萊(美國退役球手, 擁有十一個大滿貫包括連續三年連贏法網及溫網)和波格(瑞典退役球手, 擁有17個大滿貫冠軍包括7個單打及10個雙打)、拿度(西班牙)或比歷克(美國)出戰「網球爭霸戰2008」慈善表演賽。 慈善賽門票將於9月1日開始發售。

賽事將分三部分進行。 首先, 麥根萊與「老對手」波格先打1盤。 接着費達拿將與拿度或巴拉克進行3盤2勝單打賽。 最後費達拿與波格合作與其餘2人拿度或巴拉克對壘, 以10分決勝雙打賽。 拿度與巴拉克誰來澳門獻技將取決於9月21日台維斯盃準決賽西班牙對美國的賽果。

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

U.S. Basketball Team Arrives in Macau 美國男籃抵達澳門準備奧運熱身賽 (美国男篮抵达澳门準备奥运热身赛)

The U.S. men's basketball team has arrived in Macau. The team will play an Olympic warm-up games against Turkey on July 31 and Lithuania on Aug 1 at the arena in the Venetian Macau before heading to Shanghai for their next two matches against Russia and Australia.

The 12-man squad includes LeBron James and Kobe Bryant will seek to reestablish American dominance at the Olympics, the team had not won a goal medal after claiming a 12th Olympic gold at the Sydney Games in 2000 and its now continue preparing for winning Olympic gold in Beijing.

“We must win all the games to build our confidence, build our spirit,” Carmelo Anthony said.

2008 USA Basketball Select Team

Deron Williams (Utah Jazz)
Chris Paul (New Orleans Hornets)
Jason Kidd (Dallas Mavericks)
Kobe Bryant (Los Angeles Lakers)
Dwyane Wade (Miami Heat)
Michael Redd (Milwaukee Bucks)

LeBron James (Cleveland Cavaliers)
Carmelo Anthony (Denver Nuggets)
Tayshaun Prince (Detroit Pistons)
Carlos Boozer (Utah Jazz)
Chris Bosh (Toronto Raptors)

Dwight Howard (Orlando Magic)

Head Coach
Mike Krzyzewski

Assistant Coach
Jim Boeheim
Nate McMillan
Mike D'Antoni

The U.S. men's basketball team defeated Turkey by 114-82 and the team win Lithuania 120-84 in its second game at the Venetian Macau (Dwyane Wade led all scorers with 19 points during the match).

美國男籃一行人總算抵達澳門為北京奧運備戰,他們立即在下榻的澳門威尼斯人酒店體育館練球。 一行人還在7月28日下午5點出席記者會和媒體見面,包括美國男籃選訓委員會執行長柯蘭吉洛(Jerry Colangelo)、教練薛塞斯基(Mike Krzyzewski)、詹姆士(LeBron James)、韋德(Dwyane Wade)、安東尼(Carmelo Anthony)等人出席記者會。 詹姆士(LeBron James)保證美國男籃能在中國奧運重奪奧運會男籃金牌。

美國男籃將在澳門進行兩場熱身賽以適應氣候及時差。7月31日美國隊將出戰土耳其,8月1日與立陶宛交手。 美國男籃在2000年雪梨奧運拿下金牌後就未在國際賽奪金, 但是他們現在已經恢復了自信。 美國隊教練要等到8月11日才會公布最後的主副比賽陣容,開幕戰上將迎來東道主中國。

在一萬兩千名球迷下, 美國男籃隊終場以114比82大破土耳其隊, 詹姆斯攻進美國隊最高分的20分。
第一節土耳其隊以31比30領先, 不過第二節在中場休息時美國隊取得54比37領先。 土耳其在第三節多次失誤, 比數進一步拉開, 美國隊取得87比59的領先。 第四節終場美國隊便以32分之差獲勝。

美國隊以120比84打勝歐洲勁旅, 歐錦賽亞軍, 世界排名第五的立陶宛隊。 韋德攻進美國隊最高分的19分, 並拿下單場MVP。 立陶宛全場命中率4成1,美國則是6成4。
第一節結束時美國以出色的攻擊力, 31比15領先立陶宛。 在第二節, 詹姆斯、布萊恩和保羅三人團隊作戰, 把比數推進到56比39。 立陶宛在第三節頻頻在三分線出手命中一度將比數追成52比61, 韋德和保羅在第四節遠投近切, 快攻, 灌籃, 最終以36分的差距獲勝。

For further about the matches - click here

Pic Source : Reuters

U.S. basketball team players Carlos Boozer, Dwight Howard, Chris Paul, LeBron James and Dwyane Wade (top to bottom) stretch during a training session for the Beijing Olympics at the Venetian Macao-Resort-Hotel in Macau


Kobe Bryant stretches during training

Kobe Bryant, LeBron James and Chris Paul attend a training session

Kobe Bryant attends a training session

U.S. Olympic basketball team practice during a training session


Olympic team train in Macau 多國奧運代表隊在澳門投入賽前訓練備戰北京奧運 (多国奥运代表队在澳门投入赛前训练备战北京奥运)

A number of Olympic delegation will be sent to Macau for Olympic training before the Olympic Games begin in Beijing. Macau will welcome teams from nine different countries include British, Russia, Argentina and Portuguese speaking countries like Brazil, Portugal, Mozambique, Angola, Cape Verde and East Timor.

The British team choose Macau as their place to train and rest are because all the training facilities in Macau are all within a compact distance.

Brazilian athletes say training in Macau will help them to get used to the local time and the temperature. One of the reason the team chose Macau as the venue for the practices are because of the excellent facilities and with the fact that Portuguese is the official language in Macau which makes the team much easier for communication.




Pic Source : AP Photo - Kin Cheung
British Olympic gymnasts practice during a training session in Macau

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Chelsea crushed Chengdu Blades 車路士澳門之行7-0大勝成都謝菲聯 (车路士澳门之行7-0大胜成都谢菲联)

Chelsea crushed the Chengdu Blades 7-0 in Macau exhibition tour. The team is now staying undefeated in their three-game Asian exhibition tour. Joe Cole scored two goals, with goals from Nicolas Anelka, Salomon Kalou, Frank Lampard, Joe Cole (2), Franco Di Santo and Shaun Wright-Phillips to help Chelsea rout the Chengdu Blades.

Nicolas Anelka opened scoring in the 15th minute. The Frenchman then fed Salomon Kalou and scored in the 31st minute to make it 2-0. The third goal was scored when Frank Lampard sent the ball past an out of position Lan in the 38 mintues inside the area. Joe Cole dribbled past Lan in the 55th minute. Franco Di Santo struck a shot just outside the goal box in the 66th minute and Cole scored again in the 82nd minute to make the score to 6-0 after pass from Michael Essien. Shaun Wright score for the final goal in the 84th minute and end the game with 7-0.

Frank Lampard only play the first half match of the game and Deco and Michael Essien, with Wright-Phillips given the full 90 minutes.

Scolari was naturally pleased: "The players looked much better than the match on Wednesday, They are more free on the pitch, they played more freely, their bodies are now in better condition." (winning over Guangzhou Pharmaceutical).

The team will play with a Malaysian all-star team in Kuala Lumpur on 29th July.

英超勁旅車路士足球隊作客澳門體育場,迎戰中超球隊成都謝菲聯,實力超班的車路士7:0輕鬆取勝,以兩場大勝完成中國之旅。 實力超班的車路士上半場由Nicolas Anelka(安歷卡)、Salomon Kalou(沙洛文卡勞)及Frank Lampard(林伯特)分別建功領先三比零。

安歷卡開賽後15分鐘突破越位先開紀錄取得領先1:0,安歷卡輕鬆過出迎的門將,射入空門。 之後安歷卡再次攻陷成都謝菲聯鬆散的防線,傳交中路的沙洛文卡勞推射入網,擴大比分至2:0。 林柏特接應艾殊利高爾, 在門前停球右腳半凌空抽射入球門頂端助車路士以3比○領先半場。

第53分鐘,下半場後備上陣的祖高爾換下泰利僅過1分鐘就幫車路士擴大比分至4:0。 迪辛度在下半場20分鐘為車路士擴大比數至5:0。 第81分鐘,艾辛右路傳中祖高爾梅開二度在距門7米處右腳後跟輕巧撥射從門將身下入網領先6:0。 最後胡禮菲臘斯於84分鐘射入完成7:0大勝。


Chelsea fans wait for Michael Ballack to write autographs during a training session in Macau
Pic Source : AP Photo by Kin Cheung

Chelsea's Deco battles for the ball with Li Tie of Chengdu Blades
Pic Source : AP Photo by Kin Cheung

Chelsea's John Terry fights for the ball with Shi Jun of Chengdu Blades
Pic Source : AP Photo by Kin Cheung

Chelsea's Salomon Kalou battles for the ball with Liu Cheng, right, of Chengdu Blades
Pic Source : AP Photo by Kin Cheung

Chelsea's Shaun Wright-Phillips celebrates after he scored the team's seventh goal
Pic Source : AP Photo by Kin Cheung


Sunday, July 13, 2008

Windsor Arch 55th Macau Grand Prix 「名門世家」第五十五屆澳門格蘭披治大賽車

The 55th Macau Grand Prix will be held from November 13-16 this year, with a new sponsor Windsor Arch - a luxury residential developer.

This year Formula 3 Macau Grand Prix will be the 26th running of the Blue Riband event, which was first held in 1983. The FIA WTCC - it was held at Macau four times before with Andy Priaulx taken the title on the past three occasions. Other races include the Macau Motorcycle races in its 42nd year.

Four new races will be add to this year races.

Only invited drivers with International Class C racing licenses for each of the new addition races.

* The Windsor Arch Macau GT Cup - 10 lap invitational race, for 36 popular grand touring racing cars. The race started on the Sunday of the Grand Prix week.

* The Windsor Arch Macau Road Sport Challenge - invitational race, open to modified road cars which comply with relevant safety regulations. Depending on cylinder capacity, the field will be divided into classes A, B and C.

* The Hotel Fortuna Macau and Hong Kong Interport Race - 10 lap race with drivers from both Macau and Hong Kong. 36 drivers, 18 from each city compete in a variety of Group N 2000cc racing cars. The race started on the Saturday of the Grand Prix week.

* CTM Macau Touring Car Race - 36 drivers from across the Asian region to compete the 12-lap race, this race is for the Super Production racing cars only.

This year Formula BMW Pacific, designed to help young karters make the transition to single seater racing. With some as young as 15 to race FB02 - can reaches speeds of up to 230kph.

Grand Prix partner Yokohama will be putting on a display of the enormously popular drifting by Japanese Nobuteru Taniguchi and Manabu Orito whom have competed in Macau’s Guia Race in the past, with James Tang and Raymond Mak from Hong Kong.

FIA Formula One World Championship drivers raced on Macau’s famous Guia street circuit before, including Ayrton Senna, Michael Schumacher, Mika Häkkinen and Ralf Schumacher.

澳門車壇一年一度盛事, 第五十五屆澳門格蘭披治大賽車將於2008年11月13日至16日舉行, 本屆賽事由「名門世家」冠名贊助。

屬國際汽聯三級方程式洲際盃的澳門格蘭披治三級方程式大賽自1983年開始,至今年已是第26屆。今年其他賽事包括第4次在澳門舉行的2008國際汽聯世界房車錦標賽的壓軸最後一站 - 英國車手Andy Priaulx過去連續三年在這比賽稱王, 其他賽事另外包括馳名公路賽的第四十二屆澳門格蘭披治電單車大賽。

四項新賽事將會增加在本屆格蘭披治大賽車, 包括兩項國際賽(需要擁有國際C級賽車執照參加)
* 「名門世家」澳門GT盃 - 比賽車種為GT跑車, 36輛戰車賽10圈。 於星期日(11月16日)角逐錦標。
* 「名門世家」澳門路車挑戰賽 - 賽事接受經改裝, 又符合有關安全規定路車參加。會按參賽車輛的引擎汽缸容積分為A、B、C三組。

* 財神酒店澳門/香港埠際賽 - 澳門與香港優秀房車手比賽, 36輛戰車車手以N組2000cc房車賽10圈, 參賽名額港澳各佔一半。 於星期六(11月15日)角逐錦標。
* 澳門電訊房車賽 - 36位來自亞洲各地的車手會以超級量產房車(Super Production)參加12圈比賽。

寶馬方程式將本屆首次在澳門東望洋賽道舉行, 參賽車輛是寶馬FB02, 最高時速達230公里。 賽事是要協助年輕小型賽車好手過渡至方程式賽事,部份參賽者的年齡更低至15歲。

澳門格蘭披治大賽車的長期合作伙伴橫濱輪胎今年將為車迷獻上精彩的「飄移」表演, 曾參加澳門東望洋大賽日本名將織戶學及谷口信輝會聯同香港好手鄧智侖及麥偉文示範精湛的駕駛技術。

不少世界知名的賽車手以前曾經到澳門作賽。包括一級方程式世界著名車手 Ayrton Senna、Michael Schumacher 及 Mika Häkkinen、Ralf Schumacher等。


Friday, June 6, 2008

English Premier League team Chelsea will play a friendly soccer match in Macau 英超勁旅車路士來澳門進行 「名門世家杯──澳門國際足球挑戰賽」 (英超劲旅切尔西来澳门進行 「名门世家杯──澳门国际足球挑战赛」 )

As we said in one of our earlier post, the English Premier League team Chelsea will come and play a friendly match in Macau, with players include Andriy Shevchenko, Michael Ballack and Joe Cole. We are now confirming the date of the match is at 26th July, and the team will play against the Chengdu Blades Football Club from China.

The Windsor Arch-Macau International Football Challenge will be Chelsea's second ever game in China after Guangzhou on July 23rd.

Chelsea team will be arrived in Macau on July 24. With the open training hold on the afternoon on the day they arrive. Both Chelsea and Chengdu Blades teams will sponsored separately five whole team signature jersey to the organizer. The money collect will be donated to the Macao Red Cross for charitable purposes.

Auction: eBay
Set product include: Chelsea team signed jersey and ChengDu Blades team signed jersey
Amount: 5 sets (auction one by one)
Starting bid: MOP 2,000.00
“buy it now” Price: MOP 28,000.00


英格蘭超級聯賽勁旅車路士在7月26日將受邀來澳門奉獻友誼賽, 對抗成都謝菲聯俱樂部。包括舍甫琴科、巴拉克、喬·科爾等球員將全部登場。

門票將於6月21日上午9時起在澳門運動場售票處公開發售,門票分MOP $300、$600、$900元。

主辦單位將於7月16日上午9時起在新葡京向已購買比賽當日門票的人士預留二千張車路士公開集訓免費門票派發,每人限取五張,先到先得。 主辦單位已向有關贊助商要求騰出了一千張比賽門票於十六日上午九時假新葡京公開發售。

車路士將於7月24日上午到達澳門, 24日下午進行公開訓練。 一系列活動包括與本澳青少年交流的足球培訓班、公開集訓操練、簽名會等。

主辦單位得到車路士及成都謝菲聯兩隊分別送出5件全隊簽名的球衣予大會用作拍賣, 收入將捐予澳門紅十字會作慈善用途。

拍賣途徑: ebay 全球網上拍賣
每套義賣産品包括: 車路士全隊簽名球衣一件和成都謝菲聯全隊簽名球衣一件
總共拍賣球衣數目: 五套 (每次競拍一套)
每套起標價: MOP 2000.00
每套立即買價: MOP 28,000.00


Andriy Shevchenko
Pic Source : goalvideoz

Michael Ballack
Pic Source : conti-online

Joe Cole
Pic Source :

Thursday, June 5, 2008

USA Basketball International Challenge 美國籃球國際挑戰賽 (美国篮球国际挑战赛)

USA Basketball International Challenge

Game 1 (Thursday 31st July)
Turkish National Team v USA National Team

Game 2 (Friday 1st August)
Lithuanian National Team v USA National Team

Game 3 (Saturday 2nd August)
Lithuanian National Team v Turkish National Team

Date : Thu 31 July 7:30pm - Sat 2 August 7:30pm

Venue : Venetian Arena

Ticket Price :
Game 1: MOP$380-$1280
Game 2: MOP$380-$1280
Game 3: MOP$180-$780


第一場 : 7月31日星期四 - 土耳其國家隊 VS 美國國家隊
第二場 : 8月1日星期五 - 立陶宛國家隊 VS 美國國家隊
第三場 : 8月2日星期六 - 立陶宛國家隊 VS 土耳其國家隊

日期 : 7月31日星期四PM7時30分-8月2日星期六PM7時30分

地點 : 威尼斯人綜合館

價格 : 第一場MOP$380-$1280, 第二場MOP$380-$1280, 第三場MOP$180-$780

Women's Volleyball World Grand Prix Finals to Kick Off in Macau this July 澳門辦世界女排大獎賽 (澳门办世界女排大奖赛)

This year Macau will host the Women’s Volleyball World Grand Prix again. With teams from China, Brazil, The Dominican Republic and Japan will contend in the Macau leg of the Women's Volleyball World Grand Prix from 4th July at Tap Seac Multisport Pavilion.

Winner from the Macau round will qualify for the final round of the Grand Prix held in Japan.

Ticket Price : MOP $150

澳門體壇重要賽事之一, 一年一度的世界女子排球大獎賽澳門站賽事, 於7月4日起一連三天在澳門塔石體育館上演。澳門站賽事由2004年奧運金牌得主中國隊、六屆世界女子排球大獎賽總冠軍巴西隊、南美優秀隊伍多米尼加隊及去年亞洲錦標賽冠軍得主日本隊角逐。

本屆女排大獎賽澳門賽站是巡迴初賽最後一輪, 各隊盡力爭取出線以取得日本橫濱決賽的一席位

票價 : 澳門幣150元 (澳門市民於6月8日前在澳門購買三日門票, 可獲七折優惠)

世界女排大獎賽澳門站的比賽七月四日起一連三日在澳門塔石體育館舉行。中國隊首場三比零戰勝日本隊,取得本屆大獎賽七連勝。 巴西與多米尼加女排的比賽, 巴西以三比二險勝多米尼加。 中國隊僅用1小時20分便以3:0橫掃對手日本隊, 以直落三局25比16、25比22及25比21擊敗多米尼加, 以0-3完敗于世界排名第一的巴西。

巴西隊三戰全勝獲得了澳門站的冠軍。 落敗的中國隊位居次席。

Saturday, May 24, 2008

2008 Macau International Dragon Boat Races 2008年澳門國際龍舟賽 (2008年澳门国际龙舟赛)

To celebrate this year Dragon Boat Festival, the annual Dragon Boat Races will start on May at Nam Van Lake Nautical Centre. The duration of the competition is extended from 3 to 4 days this year. A special race is newly added this year - 2000 meter-round-goal competition.

Time: 10:00 a.m.
Admission free
Venue: Nam Van Lake Nautical Centre
Organizers: Macau Sport Development Board, China Dragon Boat Association
Co-organizers: Civic & Municipal Affairs Bureau, Public Administration & Civil Service Bureau

今年的澳門國際龍舟賽賽事由以往的3日增至4日, 增設了考驗耐力的二千米繞標賽項。


Pic Source : and taken by b8b8ng

The Macau Selection Team won the bronze medal (finished in 1:55.63) in the 500 metre Open Category of International Dragon Boat races, with First and second place went to China's Nanhai Jiujiang and Yunnan SJM teams. Cocal team Corpo de Bombeiros finished in fifth.

Macau Selection Team finished in fourth in the women's category.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

America basketball team will play exhibition games at Macau Venetian 美國夢幻七隊將亮相澳門進行奧運熱身賽 (美国梦幻七队将亮相澳门进行奥运热身赛)

USA, Lithuanian and Turkish National teams will play two exhibition games in Macau in preparations before the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, with NBA’s superstars like Le Bron James, Dwight Howard and Kobe Bryant in the team.

要親眼目睹今季常規賽得分王 LeBron James 反手扣籃、Kobe Bryant 個人突破飛身上籃、Dwight Howard 的超人入樽,這些NBA巨星有可能在澳門獻技。美國國家籃球隊表示計劃在八月北京奧運前到中國進行熱身賽, 備戰北京奧運, 以適應時差及氣候, 有消息指擁有 Kobe Bryant、LeBron James、Carmelo Anthony、Jason Kidd、Dwight Howard、Chauncey Billups等球星的美國“夢七隊”計劃在七月底來澳進行熱身賽。美國“夢七隊”計劃在去年曾進行NBA季前賽的澳門威尼斯人及上海,分別與歐洲冠軍俄羅斯及勁旅立陶宛等拍跳, 熱身賽暫安排在七月的最後一周進行。除美國“夢七”外,還會有兩三支歐洲勁旅於七月底至八月初來澳與“夢幻七隊”進行熱身賽。

LeBron James
Source :

Kobe Bryant
Source :

Dwight Howard
Source :

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Macau Olympic Torch Relay Photos 奧運聖火在澳門傳遞圖片 (奥运圣火在澳门传递图片)

Sources : Xinhuanet

The Olympic Games sculpture at St. Paul Ruins

Torch bearers wait for the beginning ceremony at Macau Fisherman's Wharf

Macau Chief Executive Edmund Ho pass the Olympic Torch to the first torch bearer Leong Hong Man

Stanley Ho was the oldest torch bearer and the second runner after Leong finished his leg
本站傳遞年齡最大的火炬手, 第二棒的何鴻燊從第一棒火炬手武術運動員梁洪敏手中接過聖火

Thousand of people gathered on the streets to witness the event



Hon Ching pass the Olympic Torch to Kuong Siu Yang at St Paul Ruins

Dragon boat athlete Pang Tsz Shan participated at the dragon boat torch relay


Dragon boat anchors at Sai Van Lake and waits for the arrival of Olympic Torch

The last Torch bearer Leong Heng Teng light the Olympic cauldron

Saturday, May 3, 2008

澳門發行郵品紀念奧運火炬首次在澳門傳遞 (澳门发行邮品纪念奥运火炬首次在澳门传递)

為紀念北京2008年奧運會火炬在澳門傳遞, 澳門特區政府郵政局將於5月3日推出澳門郵政局今年發行的第三套郵品 - 《北京2008年奧運會火炬接力》新郵品。澳門郵政局還將同中國郵票總公司聯合發行“北京奧運會開幕”新郵品。

這套《北京2008年奧運會火炬接力》紀念郵品包括: $1.5澳門元 (前景為一名運動員高舉“祥雲”火炬, 右下角為聖火起源雅典神廟圖案) 和 $3.5澳門元 (前景為福娃傳遞聖火, 左下角為澳門金蓮花雕塑圖案) 的郵票2枚、$10澳門元小型張1枚 (背景則為大三巴牌坊和飛翔的和平鴿)、$4.5澳門元首日封1枚、$4.5澳門元小型張首日封1枚、$5澳門元資料單張1枚。

澳門郵政局將設專櫃為市民加蓋“北京2008年奧運會火炬接力──澳門站”紀念戳, 並在5月3日上午九時起免費派發中國集郵總公司印制的紀念封七百枚。

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Beiing 2008 Olympic - Macau Olympic Touch Relay and Fireworks 澳門聖火傳遞及煙花匯演 (澳门圣火传递及烟花汇演)


The Olympic flame is scheduled to arrive on 2nd May from Hong Kong by air and the touch relay will be held in Macau on 3rd May. Macao is the last stop of the Olympic torch relay outside the Chinese Mainland. A total of 120 bearers (36 were selected by the Central Government and the worldwide sponsors of the Olympic Games, Macau SAR government will invited 74 local athletes and civil servants, with 10 candidates from the open torch bearer selection program) will participate in the Macao-leg relay which covers the 20 kilometers route. The touch relay will begin and end at Macao's Fisherman's Wharf. The touch will pass to some of the Macau most famous scene and landmark includes the Ruins of St. Paul's and Senado Square, A-Ma Temple and Sai Van bridge.

Part of the relay will be carried out on a Dragon Boat at Sai Van Lake. This will be the first time ever that the Olympic touch is carried by Dragon Boat.

Thousands of supporters gathered in Macau on 3rd May as the Olympic torch was paraded through Fisherman's Wharf. The relay was started by chief executive Edmund Ho when he passed the torch to a martial arts athlete Leong Hong Man. Unfortunately, the relay was shortened to 27 kilometers due to the security reasons. But the relay went smoothly with no disruptions until the end.

奧運聖火全球傳遞“和諧之旅”的第21站, 將於5月3日在澳門特區首次傳送。澳門將會在觀光塔以俗稱「笨豬跳」的方式從塔尖上傳遞到地面,這樣方式是全球聖火傳遞歷來的第一次。聖火傳遞第一棒是武術運動員梁洪敏, 傳遞聖火活動會在星期六下午3時半左右開始, 傳遞路線全程縮減至27公里由原先計畫早上10時至下午6時,改為下午3時至下午6時50分。當天除了火炬接力外, 澳門漁人碼頭將在當天舉行大型慶祝活動, 晚上8時至8時15分在澳門漁人碼頭及文化中心對面海面及沿友誼大橋舉行的煙花匯演。友誼大橋橋上會發放不同款式的冷煙火, 形狀包括為奧運聖火歡呼喝彩的旋龍及哨聲效果。

澳門漁人碼頭 --> 金蓮花廣場 --> 友誼大馬路 --> 星際酒店 --> 永利澳門 --> 新葡京 --> 水坑尾街 --> 荷蘭園正街 --> 西墳馬路 --> 大三巴牌坊 --> 議事亭前地 --> 民政總署大樓 --> 新馬路 --> 十六號碼頭 --> 火船頭街 --> 媽閣廟 --> 西灣湖 (龍舟) --> 何鴻燊博士大馬路 --> 政府總部 --> 友誼廣場 --> 新葡京 --> 嘉樂庇總督大橋 --> 史伯泰海軍將軍馬路 --> 孫逸仙博士大馬路 --> 基馬拉斯大馬路 --> 澳門運動場 --> 運動場道 --> 望德聖母灣大馬路 --> 偉龍馬路 --> 飛機場圓形地 --> 澳門科技大學 --> 嘉樂庇總督馬路 --> 奧林匹克大馬路 --> 柯維納馬路 --> 澳門賽馬會 --> 西環大橋 --> 澳門旅遊塔 --> 孫逸仙大馬路 --> 觀音像 --> 澳門文化中心 --> 澳門漁人碼頭羅馬廣場

運載京奧聖火的“奧運聖火號”專機於5月2日晚十時二十分到達澳門國際機場, 火種燈將下榻濠璟酒店

火炬於5月3日下午3時50分開始在中國澳門傳遞, 首先15時48分在澳門漁人碼頭舉行了取火和起跑儀式, 澳門著名武術運動員梁洪敏從澳門特區行政長官何厚鏵手中接過火炬後在澳門漁人碼頭勵駿廣場起跑。沿途擠滿眾多市民和遊客。到街上歡迎及支持聖火活動的市民超過25萬人。傳遞路線比原先少了三分之一。隨著最後一棒火炬手抵達設在漁人碼頭的終點並點燃聖火盆, 北京奧運聖火結束在本澳的傳遞, 奧委聖火禮儀護衛人員將聖火由聖火盆引回火種燈。

Olympic Torch Relay Macau - Reported by CCTV

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