City of Dreams is proud to announce their collaboration with the world renowned Räikkönen Robertson Racing team in forming the City of Dreams – Räikkönen Robertson Racing team, the racing dream team created for the Macau Grand Prix 2009. City of Dreams racing team principal Mr. Matthew Marsh introduced the two new rising stars in the motor racing field, Mr. Renger van der Zande and Mr. Alexander Sims - who will be pursuing their dream of Macau Grand Prix stardom by representing City of Dreams – Räikkönen Robertson Racing as drivers in the Formula 3 of Macau Grand Prix 2009.
City of Dreams – Räikkönen Robertson racing driver Mr. Alexander Sims, aged 21, was nominated for ‘Rookie of the Year’ at the Autosport Awards 2009 - one of the motor sport industry’s most prestigious awards - and was the winner of 2008 McLaren Autosport BRDC Young Driver of the Year Award. The 21-year-old British will race in the Mercedes-Benz powered Formula Three car, No 18, emblazoned with City of Dreams livery as part of the dream team at the Macau Grand Prix 2009.
City of Dreams –Räikkönen Robertson Racing driver Mr. Renger van der Zande was the third in British Formula 3 series 2009. It is the third time the 23-year-old Dutch, racing in City of Dreams sponsored car No 17, competing at the Formula 3 of Macau Grand Prix 2009.
The Macau Grand Prix is recognized as the cradle of the hottest motor racing prospects, many previous racers, including current Formula One World Champion Mr. Jenson Button and former World Champion Mr. Lewis Hamilton have gone on to Formula One stardom.
新濠天地隆重宣佈與享譽全球的Räikkönen Robertson賽車隊伍, 組成新濠天地Räikkönen Robertson賽車團隊。 這個度身訂造的夢幻組合, 將於2009年第56屆澳門格蘭披治大賽車中出賽。
亞洲著名賽車手馬義益先生 (Matthew Marsh先生), 以新濠天地賽車團隊隊長身份介紹兩位車壇明日之星Alexander Sims先生及Renger van der Zande先生。 兩位車手將代表新濠天地Räikkönen Robertson賽車團隊於2009年第56屆澳門格蘭披治大賽車中參加三級方程式大賽, 為車隊競逐殊榮。
代表新濠天地Räikkönen Robertson賽車團隊出賽的21歲車手Alexander Sims先生, 今年獲提名為 《Autosport Awards》賽車界最崇高獎項之一的「最佳新人」, 去年更榮獲《麥羅倫汽車運動》BRDC 「年度青年車手」之名銜。 Alexander Sims先生將駕駛全身以新濠天地標誌作裝飾、並配備平治引擎的18號戰車參加2009年第56屆澳門格蘭披治大賽車的三級方程式大賽, 象徵著新濠天地賽車團隊的夢幻組合。
新濠天地Räikkönen Robertson 賽車團隊的另一位車手Renger van der Zande先生原籍荷蘭, 現年23歲, 為2009年英國三級方程式賽車的季軍。 他曾先後三次出戰澳門格蘭披治大賽車三級方程式賽事, 今年將駕駛由新濠天地贊助的17號賽車競賽。
澳門格蘭披治大賽車是車壇新星的搖籃, 多位曾經參賽的車手均登上一級方程式賽車的大舞台, 一展身手, 當中包括現任一級方程式世界冠軍Jenson Button先生及前世界冠軍Lewis Hamilton先生。
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
City of Dreams Räikkönen Robertson form 'the racing dream team' 新濠天地Räikkönen Robertson夢幻賽車團隊出賽澳門格蘭披治大賽車 (新濠天地Räikkönen Robertson梦幻赛车团队出赛澳门格兰披治大赛车)
Posted by seemacau at 11:10 PM 1 comments
Labels: City of Dreams, Grand Prix
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
56th Macau Grand Prix - 第56屆澳門格蘭披治大賽車 (第56届澳门格兰披治大赛车)
The Macau Grand Prix - a race meeting to which the world's leading Formula 3 and touring car drivers. This edition of Macau Grand Prix will attract more than 200 competitors as well as thousands of motor sports fans descend on the city, for the world-famous international street circuit race meeting which features both car and motorcycle races. The event will be held from November 19-22.
The three headlines races is the Macau Formula 3 Grand Prix – the FIA Formula 3 Intercontinental Cup will leads 30 drivers from the various national championships compete for the unofficial world cup of Formula 3. It will also celebrates the 27th running of its Formula 3 Grand Prix and the fifth anniversary with the FIA World Touring Car Championship where Yvan Muller from France was crowned World Champion.
第56屆澳門格蘭披治大賽車將於11月19至22日舉行。 本屆比賽設八項賽事, 目前吸引超過二十多個國家和地區共二百五十多名車手參加。
澳門旅游局局長安棟梁表示, 經多年培訓, 本屆大賽車賽道工作人員和救援隊伍已全為本地人。 三大賽事包括摩托車、三級方程式及房車比賽均為國際級賽事, 對賽事管理有很高的要求。 觀眾席增加至一萬五千個座位。 今屆賽車將設特備節目, 分別在賽事日的周六及周日舉行, 包括主題圍繞過去五十五年賽車歷史的賽車服時裝表演以及歌舞表演。
大賽車委員會今年將進行新嘗試, 透過互聯網平台設置大賽車愛好者討論區, 並設賽車游戲, 增加宣傳渠道。 各口岸亦會設電視播放大賽車的宣傳片段, 澳門各重要景點亦會設置電視屏幕播放賽事。 本屆大賽車的各項准備工作正加緊進行, 賽事中心內開始搭建臨時車房, 整條賽道路面維修工作基本完成, 目前正在搭建看台及安裝防撞欄設施, 大賽車氣氛越來越濃厚。
Posted by seemacau at 10:30 AM 0 comments
Labels: Grand Prix, Videos