Friday, December 19, 2008

Harrah’s Entertainment unveil plans for golf lifestyle project in Macau 美國哈樂斯娛樂公司公佈澳門高爾夫球發展計劃 (美国哈乐斯娱乐公司公佈澳门高尔夫球发展计划)

Pic Source : Sina

Harrah’s Entertainment and Butch Harmon unveiled the vision for Caesars Golf Macau on 16th Dec. The plan includes the establishment of Asia’s first Butch Harmon School of Golf. Harmon has been the coach of several world #1 ranked players. The par 72 golf course development will include an expansion of the clubhouse to 32,000 square feet with a 4,000-square-foot spa, a golf lifestyle boutique, state-of-the-art meeting facilities, a clubhouse to feature high end and fine-dining restaurant operated by G&L Group. Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Harrah’s Entertainment Gary Loveman told the cost was $25.8 million.

The Asia’s first Butch Harmon School of Golf in Macau will impart the teaching philosophy that began with Harmon’s father, Claude - who is the 1948 US Masters champion.

Harrah’s Entertainment underscored its commitment to diversifying the leisure attractions available in Macau. The company acquired the 175 acre Macau Orient Golf Course in September 2007. “Now we are redefining what destination golf can be right here in Macau with Caesars Golf. We look forward to working closely with the Macau government to help continue grow and diversify its tourism sector,” Gary W. Loveman added.

The company also announced that the club will be home to the ‘Macau Golf Association Junior Golf Programme at Caesars Golf Macau’. This program will provide opportunities for children to experience golf, and at the same time helping to identify, develop talented young Macanese players.

美國哈樂斯娛樂公司(Harrah's Entertainment)和著名高爾夫球教練布奇哈蒙(Butch Harmon), 12月16日天攜手公佈“凱撒高爾夫”發展計劃, 計劃包括開設亞洲首間布奇哈蒙高爾夫學校, 及改造現有的高爾夫球場。 合力打造五星級高爾夫休閒勝地。 重點包括重新設計及改建現有的72標準桿球場, 並擴建3萬2千平方呎設施會所, 配備4千平方呎水療, 2千5百平方呎高爾夫購物店, 會議及獨一無二的VIP娛樂套房設施。 會所還將設有由怡柱集團經營高級餐廳。

哈蒙在其教練生涯中曾指導多位世界第一的球手, 更獲投票選為年度最佳的高爾夫球教練。 哈樂斯也承諾與澳門高爾夫球總會合作, 為17歲以下有潛質的澳門青少年, 免費提供高爾夫球訓練場地。

哈樂斯娛樂公司2007年9月, 以170億澳門元購入澳門東方高爾夫球度假村。

Monday, December 8, 2008

2008 Macau Galaxy Entertainment International Marathon 澳門銀河娛樂國際馬拉松2008 (澳门银河娱乐国际马拉松2008)

Pic Source : ip's2006 - ecpz
Winner of this year Men's Marathon - Yemane Tsegay Adhane from Ethiopia

Winner of this year Women's Marathon - Yuan Lili from China

The annual International Marathon has taken place in Macau for the past 26 years. This year, the internatinonal marathon has attracted many local and established international long distance runners from 47 different countries and regions.

Time: 6:00 a.m.
Start/Finish Point: Macau Stadium, Taipa
A total of 580 runners participates in the Marathon and 1171 runners registered in this year half Marathon.

18 athletes for the men's marathon were invited to participate this year, namely Hu Kajiun from China, Ri Kum Song and Ryo Pong Hyok from North Korea, António Sousa and Vasco Azevedo from Portugal, Joseph Kadon Epetet from Kenya, Mykhail Iveruk from the Ukrain, Yemane Tsegay Adhane from Ethiopia, Philip Bandawe from Zimbabwe and Lok Wai Kin from Macau.

Organisers invited Xu Yuzong from China, Jong Yong Ok e Kim Kum Ok from North Korea, Abeba Tola Eda from Ethiopia, Edyta Lewandoska from Poland, Natalya Volgina from Russia, Kristijna Loonen from the Netherlands and Leong Lai Heong from Macau in the women's category.

Yemane Tsegay Adhane from Ethiopia, won this year's Marathon and finishing the race in a record time of 2:15:06. He took home a total of 3 prizes for winning the marathon, breaking the record and a bonus prize, all were valued up to US$23,000 dollar. China's Yuan Lili finished the race first with a time of 2:36:40. She was also awarded a bonus prize, all of which she took home $US18,000 dollar.

2008澳門國際馬拉松將於12月7日星期日舉行, 已錄得有來自47個國家地區約3千人報名。 參賽者包括過去曾參與這賽事的多位名列前茅的跑手以及十八名特邀長跑好手。 包括男子組冠軍朝鮮的李錦星及2005年女子冠軍俄羅斯的域芝娜, 本屆賽事的起點設在澳門運動場, 參賽者將途經東亞運大馬路等地經過西灣大橋往澳門半島後, 折返澳門運動場。 賽事在12月7日早上6時舉行, 路線沿途及澳門運動場內屆時會有表演節目。

澳門國際馬拉松賽在12月7日清晨六時舉行, 氣溫約攝氏13度。 來自40幾個國家和地區的三千多名參賽者經過西灣大橋, 橫跨澳門半島氹仔完成42點195公里的賽事。 有參賽者表示在寒冷天氣下感到肌肉僵硬, 容易抽筋, 影響水準發揮。但有運動員話未有受天氣的影響, 路線的難道亦不大。 賽事歷時大約5小時全部完成, 男子組冠軍由首次來澳的埃塞俄比亞選手艾咸打破大會紀錄2小時15分6秒獲勝, 艾咸同時憑此成績奪得賽事的特別獎金, 一人獨得三個獎項總獎金達二萬三千美元。 女子組由中國選手袁麗麗以2小時36分40秒奪冠, 並得到特別獎, 獲得一萬八千美元。

澳門國際馬拉松設有全程馬拉松(參加全程馬拉松報名人數為580人), 半程馬拉松(總報名人數為1171), 迷你馬拉松三項賽事。 特邀的男子運動員包括: 中國的胡開軍,朝鮮的李錦星、呂鳳革,葡萄牙的安東尼奧、阿斯華度,肯亞的阿柏迪,烏克蘭的艾偉樂,埃塞俄比亞的艾咸,津巴布韋的班德偉,澳門的陸偉堅。 女子運動員包括中國的許于宗,朝鮮的鄭英玉、金錦玉,埃塞俄比亞的伊達,波蘭的萊華當斯卡,俄羅斯的域芝娜,荷蘭的露妮,澳門的梁麗香。

Pic Source : ip's2006 - ecpz



Monday, December 1, 2008

Play Golf with Butch Harmon 與Butch Harmon共享高球樂 (与Butch Harmon共享高球乐)

Pic Source : Rolex

To celebrate the opening of the Butch Harmon School of Golf, his first academy in Asia, Butch Harmon will host a golf clinic in the morning followed by an 18 hole tournament.

Butch Harmon - voted No 1 in Golf Digest's biennial survey of America's 50 Greatest Teachers for four consecutive years. He has taught some of the world's best players, including World No 1 Tiger Woods, Phil Mickelson, Adam Scott, Ernie Els and Natalie Gulbis.

Sunday, 14 December 08
Orient Golf Macau

$50,000 Package Per Flight (group of 4) includes
• Official Welcome Breakfast and Lunch
• Exclusive Golf Clinic by Butch Harmon
• 18 Hole Tournament
• Exclusive Butch Harmon Invitational Golf Clinic Kit Bag
• Awards Presentation Dinner
• All green fees, caddy and golf equipment

Event Schedule
Arrival & Registration

8:00am - 9:00am
Continental Breakfast Buffet

9:00am - 10:30am
Butch Harmon Clinic

10:30am - 11:30am
Q&A with light lunch

11:30am - 11:45am
Group photo with Butch Harmon, tee-off ceremony by Butch Harmon

11:45am - 12:00pm
Staging & Announcement on play format (Texas scramble) with meeting Butch Harmon at Hole 16

Air Horn

12:00pm - 4:30pm
Tournament begins

4:30pm - 5:30pm

5:45pm - 8:00pm
Award Presentation Buffet Dinner

著名的高爾夫球教練, 首次在亞洲設立高球學校的Butch Harmon將來臨澳門出席12月14日在東方(澳門)高爾夫俱樂部舉行的「第一屆Butch Harmon邀請賽」。 Butch Harmo將n於開賽前主持2小時的高爾夫球指導班, 之後會在邀請賽中獻技, 為每一組打一個洞。

Butch Harmon曾與世界首席球手如Tiger Woods, Phil Mickelson, Adam Scott, Ernie Els及Natalie Gulbis合作。 並連續四屆在《Golf Digest》雜誌, 兩年一度的全美50大高爾夫球教練選舉中排名第一。

票價:個人 – $12,500 / 4位套票 – $50,000 (票價包括早餐和午餐, 18洞比賽, 賽事禮品, 頒奬晚宴, 場地/球僮租賃費用及Butch Harmon親筆簽名自傳《The Pro》)

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