The Olympic flame is scheduled to arrive on 2nd May from Hong Kong by air and the touch relay will be held in Macau on 3rd May. Macao is the last stop of the Olympic torch relay outside the Chinese Mainland. A total of 120 bearers (36 were selected by the Central Government and the worldwide sponsors of the Olympic Games, Macau SAR government will invited 74 local athletes and civil servants, with 10 candidates from the open torch bearer selection program) will participate in the Macao-leg relay which covers the 20 kilometers route. The touch relay will begin and end at Macao's Fisherman's Wharf. The touch will pass to some of the Macau most famous scene and landmark includes the Ruins of St. Paul's and Senado Square, A-Ma Temple and Sai Van bridge.
Part of the relay will be carried out on a Dragon Boat at Sai Van Lake. This will be the first time ever that the Olympic touch is carried by Dragon Boat.
Thousands of supporters gathered in Macau on 3rd May as the Olympic torch was paraded through Fisherman's Wharf. The relay was started by chief executive Edmund Ho when he passed the torch to a martial arts athlete Leong Hong Man. Unfortunately, the relay was shortened to 27 kilometers due to the security reasons. But the relay went smoothly with no disruptions until the end.
奧運聖火全球傳遞“和諧之旅”的第21站, 將於5月3日在澳門特區首次傳送。澳門將會在觀光塔以俗稱「笨豬跳」的方式從塔尖上傳遞到地面,這樣方式是全球聖火傳遞歷來的第一次。聖火傳遞第一棒是武術運動員梁洪敏, 傳遞聖火活動會在星期六下午3時半左右開始, 傳遞路線全程縮減至27公里由原先計畫早上10時至下午6時,改為下午3時至下午6時50分。當天除了火炬接力外, 澳門漁人碼頭將在當天舉行大型慶祝活動, 晚上8時至8時15分在澳門漁人碼頭及文化中心對面海面及沿友誼大橋舉行的煙花匯演。友誼大橋橋上會發放不同款式的冷煙火, 形狀包括為奧運聖火歡呼喝彩的旋龍及哨聲效果。
澳門漁人碼頭 --> 金蓮花廣場 --> 友誼大馬路 --> 星際酒店 --> 永利澳門 --> 新葡京 --> 水坑尾街 --> 荷蘭園正街 --> 西墳馬路 --> 大三巴牌坊 --> 議事亭前地 --> 民政總署大樓 --> 新馬路 --> 十六號碼頭 --> 火船頭街 --> 媽閣廟 --> 西灣湖 (龍舟) --> 何鴻燊博士大馬路 --> 政府總部 --> 友誼廣場 --> 新葡京 --> 嘉樂庇總督大橋 --> 史伯泰海軍將軍馬路 --> 孫逸仙博士大馬路 --> 基馬拉斯大馬路 --> 澳門運動場 --> 運動場道 --> 望德聖母灣大馬路 --> 偉龍馬路 --> 飛機場圓形地 --> 澳門科技大學 --> 嘉樂庇總督馬路 --> 奧林匹克大馬路 --> 柯維納馬路 --> 澳門賽馬會 --> 西環大橋 --> 澳門旅遊塔 --> 孫逸仙大馬路 --> 觀音像 --> 澳門文化中心 --> 澳門漁人碼頭羅馬廣場
運載京奧聖火的“奧運聖火號”專機於5月2日晚十時二十分到達澳門國際機場, 火種燈將下榻濠璟酒店
火炬於5月3日下午3時50分開始在中國澳門傳遞, 首先15時48分在澳門漁人碼頭舉行了取火和起跑儀式, 澳門著名武術運動員梁洪敏從澳門特區行政長官何厚鏵手中接過火炬後在澳門漁人碼頭勵駿廣場起跑。沿途擠滿眾多市民和遊客。到街上歡迎及支持聖火活動的市民超過25萬人。傳遞路線比原先少了三分之一。隨著最後一棒火炬手抵達設在漁人碼頭的終點並點燃聖火盆, 北京奧運聖火結束在本澳的傳遞, 奧委聖火禮儀護衛人員將聖火由聖火盆引回火種燈。
Olympic Torch Relay Macau - Reported by CCTV
Euro News
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Beiing 2008 Olympic - Macau Olympic Touch Relay and Fireworks 澳門聖火傳遞及煙花匯演 (澳门圣火传递及烟花汇演)
Posted by seemacau at 8:07 PM
Labels: Fireworks, Fisherman's Wharf, Videos
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